Chapter 23: Discovery

Start from the beginning

"Wait, no Scar, please, I know what happened at that party when I was drunk." He blurted out.

I froze, how did he find out? I don't know what to do. Oh god, this will be really awkward.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously, thinking that he knew something different, maybe I could save myself from this.

"You know what I mean Scar. When I had no idea what I was doing.." he trailed off, knowing I'd understood him.

"Listen, it's not that big of a deal, okay? You didn't know what you were doing, and it's over." I said.

"No it's not! I got drunk, and it was a mistake and I need to make it up to you." he persisted.

"Stop it Carson! I'd finally forgotten about it, don't bring it up! I already have a lot of stress on me!'

He backed up immediately.

"Scar, I'm sorry, I'm just trying to-"

"No, just leave me alone Carson. I'll see you around." I pushed past him, and walked back inside the building.

There was just so much stress on me. I ignored everyone's jeers and ran into the gym. I sat down. I just sat. I didn't cry, I didn't call anyone, I just sat there, and I thought. How could I get rid of all of the rumours? What did I feel for Carson?

I mulled over all of the questions. I didn't need to fight fire with fire, that wouldn't make anything better. I could fight fire with.... honey! I could do so many things that contradict what the rumours say! Why didn't anyone, especially Betsi, think of that earlier is beyond my mind, but it didn't care right now, all I needed to do was get to Betsi to come up with a plan. She was a genius with that kind of stuff. Coming up with the idea made me completely forget all of the other questions.

I picked myself off the floor, and walked out of the gym, immediatly being captured in Cole's arms.

"Hey hon." he said, smiling sweetly and pecking me on the cheek. What the hell? I'm so confused. I tilted my head to look up at him, in which he took as an opportunity to kiss me fully. I pulled away before it got too deep. Okay, what is going on?

I dragged him away from the surrounding crowd.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, really pissed off.

"I'm just telling the world how happy I am that you're my girlfriend again!" He said loudly, a little too loudly. All the girls around us either cooed at us, or glared at me.

"What?" I said, but it got lost in the chatter of everyone discussing my love life.

"That's right! Last weekend, when we went on that date, I apologized and you said that you'd be my girlfriend again!" he said brightly, so brightly it seemed fake, but the girls were swooning over how romantic he was, and the guys, well, their eyes were not on Cole, that's for sure. Most of them, at least.

I was beyond furious. Why the hell would Cole proclaim his dying like for me in front of the whole entire school? And now of all times? It didn’t make sense. I mean, before, sure, he had tried to win me back, but he never went this far to do it by force. Now what would I tell Carson? “Sorry, but I started to date Cole right after you admitted you liked me! Toodles!” Yeah, that would end well.

My mouth was open and I couldn't deal with this now. I closed my mouth into a tight-lipped grimace and walked away.

“How could you?!” Betsi demanded right in my ear, catching me by surprise as soon as I was out of ear-shot from the crowd.

“How could I what?” I asked, completely confused.

“How could you go back to that douche bag of a human being?! He CHEATED on you Scar! C-H-E-A-T-E-D, cheated! Now, I’m your best friend, and I respect your decisions, but I swear Scar, this is the biggest mistake of your high school life. Sure, you might get a better rank in popularity, but since when do you care? I really love you Scar, I do, but if you go through with this I will have to interf-“ I cut off her long rant.

“I’m not dating him Betsi, relax! He said that, and I have no clue why. All I know is that it was NOT my decision. N-O-T, not!” I took a deep breath. How could Betsi have gone on for that long?

“Oh.” She mumbled, and looked away. “Hey look! A bird!”

“Betsi. Come on, did you really think I would go you with that ‘douchebag of a human being’.” I used my fingers to make quotation marks in the air.

“Pfft, no of course not. What? I was kidding” she said quickly.

“Mhmm, now come, I need to explain it to you.” I dragged her down the hallway.

"That little- what, why-" Betsi stuttered out after I explained, at loss for words.

"Yeah, welcome to my world." I muttered, still pissed.

"I'm gonna go give that boy a piece of my mind." she growled, getting up, and preparing to shout at him.

"Wait, what?! No!" I said quickly. "Betsi don't! Don't make things worse!"

"Fine, but if he does one more thing that messes with you, he's a goner." she muttered, undoubtedly coming up with death plots in her head.

"Why don't you go find Devin?" I suggested, and her face lit up immediately.

"Okay!" she said, and her whole face lit up, probably forgetting about the whole Cole thing. She got up and bounced off like a little kid.


Hi guys! Love you all for being patient. Except for a few certain people.*cough Darcy cough*. Anyways, sorry for not updating, I've had a lot of stress on myself very recently. I won't bore you with my sob story, so just wait for a surprising turn in the next chapter!

Teaser: Something's brewing in between Scar and Devin, but is it what Betsi thinks? Is she assuming the worst? Also, Cole and Carson. That's all I have to say.


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