"What the fuck are you doing here? Leave me alone." I repeated with a huff, irritation shining through my voice. 

"I just came here to apologize, okay? I was drunk Aubrey I-" I cut him off. 

"You were drunk so what, Peter? You weren't fucking wasted, you could've stopped." I gave him a pointed look. 

"Aubrey, I was fucking drunk! Let it go!" he raised his voice a little bit. I scoffed, 

"So next time, don't get drunk to the point where you can't keep your dick in your pants." I rolled my eyes at him before telling him to leave, again. "Get out of here, Peter," I demanded. 

"You're seriously so blinded by him! What great thing has he even done?" he questioned. 

"I'll tell you what great thing he's done, he's never, ever put his hands on me against my will, without my permission or tried anything with me. He can keep it to himself, now move." I demanded, pushing past him and to my front door.

"Suit yourself, Aubrey. Just don't come running to me when he breaks your heart again." he scoffed. 

"I won't as long as you stay away from my spot at the cliffside. That is where I'll go if he breaks my heart again. So don't go there and you won't have to deal with me, now fuck off." I hissed before slamming my door in his face and heading up to my room. 

I disregarded everything that just happened and opened my closet, scanning around trying to decide what color I felt like wearing. I scanned the dresses twice before my eyes stopped at a red off-shoulder dress. 

Looks pretty good to me. 

I grabbed it off the hanger and folded it up neatly, placing it in a bag and heading back over to his, that's gonna need a little ironing. I got back to his house, my mood a little bummed out but I'm not letting that ruin tonight, so I put on a smile and rang the doorbell. 

He opened it with a grin and to bless my eyes, without a shirt

"Hellooo." he stretched out his words as he opened the door wider to let me in. 

"Hey," I chuckled while setting the bag that I brought the dress in down on the ground. 

"Now that you're back and we have," he paused looking at his empty wrist, "Quite some time left, what do you want to do?" he turned to me with a smile. I thought for a moment before blurting out the first idea that came to mind. 

"Play scrabble." I shrugged. 

He nodded, "How adventurous." he deadpanned sarcastically. 

I responded with a grin before following him to his room where he reached above the bookshelf and grabbed the game. I'm surprised he has it. "Ready?" he asked as he opened the box and took the board out before leaving the alphabets in the lid. 

I lay across the bed on my stomach, my legs lifted and rocking back and forth while he did the same from the other side. Hours went by and we played games after I won scrabble and then he won monopoly followed by us cooking lunch and by us I mean him. 

We finished cleaning up the house at around four and before I knew it, I was pushed into my room and told not to come till seven. So I began getting ready with nothing better to do. 

I showered, braided my hair so that it was curled when I let it down, and began with my makeup. I finished the last layer of mascara as I heard what sounded like a roof collapsing but was probably Xavier dropping something. 

"Do not come out of that room!" he shouted, and so I was forced to stay up here. I threw the dress on before letting my hair down and wearing golden heels which I grabbed with the dress that Xavier was kind enough to iron for me. 

I waited for ten minutes before there was a knock at my door. 

I glanced at myself in the mirror before opening the door to see Xavier standing there with black pants and a black button-up tucked in, the first few buttons unbuttoned because that's Xavier with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 

Am I drooling yet? 

"You look stunning," he spoke while his eyes roamed over my body. "Fucking stunning," he repeated. I blushed while laughing before complimenting him back. 

"You look handsome. Very handsome and charming." I smiled at him. 

He looked down, shyly scratching the back of his neck. 

I'm in love. 

"Shall we?" he held his hand out for me to take. I eyed it in confusion before placing my hand in his, trusting that he planned something amazing for tonight. 

"We shall." I grinned.







We're at 20k reads wtf?!!! And seven minutes in hell is at 24k wth?!!! Thank youuuu.


Ps: Aubrey's dress above <3

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