"You're always welcome here, sweety," my mom said.

"It was nice meeting you. All of you" Jo said.

I took her suitcase with everything she had bought here in my hand.

"Jo," I said. My voice saying her name made her jump. "It's time to go"

She nodded. She waved at everyone again. 

"Hey, does anybody want to come to the airport? There's plenty of room in the car" she said clearly not wanting to be in a car alone with me.

What had I done that made her hate me so much?

"Me me me me me" Lena squealed in happiness raising her hand, but my aunt grabbed her covering her mouth.

"No we're good" she answered for everyone. 

Jo nodded as she said 'goodbye' to everyone one more time.

The ride to the airport was silent. I kept glancing at her every now and then wishing she'd say some of her hedious jokes that would make me laugh or she'd suddenly start dancing and jamming to one of the songs on the radio or she'd let me put my hand on her thigh caressing her skin then. She was next to me, so close. I could touch her. But I couldn't. She was so far away at the same time. 

We arrived at the airport, I took her bag. We waited some time until we heard that her flight was about to take off. 

"So, I guess I'll see you around?" she said not meeting my eyes. 

Is she fucking serious?

I exploded. "Are you serious, Jo? That's it? No, you won't be seeing me around because you are fucking abandoning me!" I yelled.

"I told y-"

"You told me bullshit, that's what you did!"

She wasn't looking at me.

"Fucking hell, look at me!" I yelled and grabbed her chin making her look at me. 

She did. And after that she couldn't tear her eyes away from mine. Neither could I.

"It can't end like this..." my voice cracked.

She smiled. She really smiled. She examined my whole face. Her hand came up and touched my lips. Then she connected her gaze to my eyes. She chuckled.

"What?" I asked. 

How could she be laughing?

"Nothing. It's just-" she paused for a moment. "After everything, you're still so goddamn beautiful"

My poor heart. No guy says that he wants to hear that. But at that moment this sentence made me want to cry like a little baby.

I pressed my lips together trying to hold back my sobs. I was about to lose my shit and she looked so calm.

The intercome called her flight again.

I grabbed her face harder connecting her forehead to mine. I closed tightly my eyes finally letting a tear escape my eyes.

"Don't end this" I sobbed. "Please, Jo. Please..." 

I looked so pathetic, begging for her to take me back. 

She looked like she was dreaming. She looked calm, like she does when she sleeps. She ignored every single one of my words and just kept rubbing her forehead and her nose against mine, like a kitten. 

I rubbed my thumbs against her cheeks trying to take in everything that I had before me. Her smooth skin, her soft hair, her sweet scent. 


My Co-Lover (H.F.T. & J.L.)Where stories live. Discover now