"Well let's help her pack shall we?" Jackson was the one to speak up this time. I knew how he felt, of course I would, he was my best friend also he was like a big brother to me and we were inseparable.

"Jackson . . ." Jennie tried to console her boyfriend. Well at least that's what I thought they were.

Jackson, Lisa and Jennie followed me to my room and helped me pack my things. We did have a few goofy moments that helped us forget the reason why we were packing my things.

"Jackson No!" I yelled at him when I saw him picking my lace panties with his thumb and index finger. Since he was taller than me he raised it above his head waved it around like it was a goddamn flag.

"Little girl! Why do you have lace panties?" He said while laughing hard. Jennie and Lisa giggled.

"Give it back!" I yelled again.

"Who was it that said that they hated lace panties?" Jackson pretended to think. "Ahh! Yes! It was y/n! And I quote 'I fucking hate lace panties, it's too cliche and uncomfortable to wear'," Jackson imitated me.

"I do not sound like that you pig on helium!" Jackson slowly turned towards me and playfully glared at me.

"Oh boy . . ." I heard on of the girls muttering.

"Y/n's gonna get it," the girls giggled.

"No . . . Jackie . . . I love you and all but- No!" I yelped when he lunged towards me. He tickled me mercilessly and to make it even worse Lisa and Jennie joined as well I laughed so hard that I had started to snort.

"Now look who's a pig now!" Exclaimed Jackson when I started to snort.

"I'm just a pig Jackie, you on the other hand, you're a pig on helium!" I laughed and Jackson slapped my forehead.

"We're going to miss you y/n." We all then had a group hug. Then we heard a cough. We turned to see Bambam standing at the door.

"I know we didn't really got along but I'll miss annoying the fuck out of you." I motioned him towards our group hug, he grinned happily and joined the group hug. We were in the hug for few seconds when Bambam ruined the moment in memorable way.

"Guys I wanna fart."

"Eww Bam."

"Fucking disgusting."


I laughed and looked at my packed bags. Jackson saw me and said. "We gotta get you back to your parents place before your aunty figures out your not there and calls the police." We nodded silently.

"Why don't we drop her home with our bikes?" Suggested Bambam. "Yeah, it'll be our last time together for while." I smirked.

"Let's show this town on final time that I'm one hell of a nuisance." Everyone laughed.


We came to a stop in front of my parents house, where my aunt was, as we made loud noises. Screaming and hooting out like hooligans with the loud roar of our bikes. In the corner of my eyes I could see the dark murky green curtains moving slightly. My aunty definitely knew that I had arrived.

"Ahh . . . So this goodbye, huh?" Stated Jackson and I shook my head.

"Not goodbye, we'll all see each other again," I say to all of them while smirking "You can't get rid of me that easily," I winked causing all of them to chuckle and laugh. With a final nod they all left.

I turned around and entered the house to see my aunty waiting for me at the door.

"Who were they? When did you leave? How did you leave?!" She bombarded me with questions.

"They were my best friends, I left about an hour ago and I left through the window in my old room. Satisfied with the answers now?"

"You don't have any right to talk to me like that! You will behave like a well mannered and lady like individual. The place where we are moving to -your new home- will not appreciate your attitude there!" She yelled.

"First of all, you're my fathers sister that I have never ever met so don't expect me to warm up to you and be a well mannered lady like girl, you don't know shit 'bout me and I never asked to move in with you in that stupid town," with that said I walked off to my room.


Heyyo that was the first chapter!

I hope you guys liked this and also give (y/n) a chance, shes not as bad as she is portrayed.

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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