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Monday morning menace! Sierra's thoughts barked as she left one office before going into another. The entire floor was in uproar as a malfunction with their provider has the caused all systems to temporarily cease. Everyone was on shutdown.

Why? Why today? Sierra fussed. She took a deep breath before making her way over to Taehyung's office to inform him of the situation. She turned the corner and was greeted by Jungkook.

"Hey Sierra, any idea what's happening with the system and phones?" Jungkook asked upon greeting her.

"Yes. We're down. Is Mr. Kim in? I need to brief him on this little crisis." Sierra's response seemed short but she didn't mean any rudeness. It was a hectic Monday and details of her past weekend with Taehyung was a constant reminder scattering her brain.

Despite of what they agreed to, she couldn't stop thinking of him.

"Yes. I'll announce you." Jungkook nodded as he picked up his cell phone to call Taehyung. "He said you could come in." He confirmed.

Sierra took a deep breath and straightened her stance before walking through his office door. Jungkook lifted a brow on her behavior and smirked. "This will not last." Jungkook mumbled to himself.

The moment Sierra entered his office, she felt her breath being sucked away from her. She closed the door behind and attempted to catch it.

Taehyung's gaze landed on instant to hers as he stood up from his desk, adjusting the coat of his slate colored suit that was a perfect fit to his broad physique. His blonde locks laid neatly on his forehead with a few strands falling into his glasses.

Sierra's gaze wandered his, unknowing how his mind assessed the way the camel colored, sheer blouse she wore accentuated her toffee skin and her gold accessories gave it a glow. His gaze traced the curves of her figure, hugged in the navy blue skirt she wore. It thrilled him to see her hair was up for he admired the beauty of seeing her face when it wasn't hidden from it.

He eased his hands into his pockets in order to keep his desires pinned down. Touching her would sure release them like an animal in the wild.

No! Professional is what she wants and it's what she won't get. He chanted.

Taehyung exhaled loudly in frustration of his thoughts but it called her attention and broke her daze. Sierra cleared her throat in order to put on a professional demeanor, in hopes of ignoring the fire blazing within her.

"Mr. Kim, sir." Sierra spoke.

"Miss Harper." Taehyung lowered his voice on purpose, raising a brow.

Why does he do that? A mental eye roll followed her though. "Sir, our entire floor is experiencing complications with our system. I spoke to the provider and their is an outage in our area. They are unsure how long it will be before it's corrected." Sierra explained.

"Hmm..." Taehyung hummed. "Well, we'll give it till noon. If everything is not up and running, I will send everyone home for the day. No sense in keeping them here if they can't work." He suggested.

Sierra nodded. "Very well. I'll be back at noon then." She turned on her heel to exit but her motion to leave was stopped when she felt a warm hand to her arm.

Sierra didn't think her heart could beat any faster nor she couldn't help but hope for something of this to happen.

The feeling confused her. Her mind and heart ping ponged on the idea of Kim Taehyung and it only frustrated her that she was finding interest in him the more she fought him.

Taehyung turned Sierra to him, his chocolate gaze blazing while attempting to read hers. Since the moment she made the declaration of keeping their relationship professional, he couldn't help but be more intrigued with her.

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