Chase Fisher

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Full Name: Chase Fisher

Nickname: N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Godly Parent: Dionysus

Mortal Parent: Caleb Fisher (Deceased)

Appearance: Colin Ford

Years at Camp: 12

Camp: Camp Half-Blood

Personality: Chase likes to view himself as the more responsible and mature of his friend group. He is usually the kind of person who tips off police if a party gets too out of hand and forbids others from bringing alcoholic drinks if they are underage. Though he is not a complete stick in the mud, if someone manages to have him take a sip of alcohol, preferably wine, he becomes an entirely different person. When drunk, he becomes overly affectionate, playful, and overall the best person to invite anywhere.

Weapons: A spear


Mental Hallucination - He can create all sorts of hallucinations that can distract, cause the target to go insane from the wild sensation.

Alcohol Empowerment - He can become slightly stronger, faster, and more durable when consuming large quantities of alcohol.

Alcohol Immunity - He is immune to the disastrous effects of alcohol and can consume large amounts of it without harm.

Other: He likes to keep a flask on hand just in case of emergencies.

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