Jonthisicus and Kidemónas

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Name: He rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "Eh... It's kind of a mouthful..." (Jonthisicus Tritona Universe)

Nickname: He grins, "Just call me Johnny"

Age: "Old enough." He huffs. (15,184; looks 23)

Gender: He raises an eyebrow. "Can't you tell?" (Male)

Species: He holds out his arms, exaggeratedly. "I'm human. Isn't it obvious?~" (Demigod)

Sexuality: He shrugs. "I don't really have an preference. If they're into me, I'm probably into them." (Pansexual)

Looks: He winks, purring. "Wanna take a closer look, sweetheart?~" (He is a bit skinny side though he makes it up with his muscle definition and slightly taller than average height. He has dark-brown skin, sea green eyes, and raven black hair. He has large jagged scar that crosses over his right eye though he keeps it covered with his bangs. He has erratic tattoos around his upper body, back, and arms that glow a dark blue when submerged in darkness. He usually wears a baggy, dark green hoodie and looses jeans, along with a necklace with a pendant of a trident around his neck.)

Family: "Dead to me. Both figuratively and literally."

Personality: "Why you don't actually try to get to know me, instead of asking?" He sneered. (Johnny is a social butterfly and can be quite empathetic. He's a bit of a risktaker, always looking for a new adventure and a chance to discover the unknown. He's fairly instinctive, and would rather follow his gut choices than that of logic. He can also be flirty, usually using his charms to get away with his, rather idiotic, ideas. He's also known to have a short-temper and can lose his cool rather quickly.)

Likes: "Mmm.....Chocolate..." (Chocolate, the ocean, swimming, archery, sea creatures, learning new things, new friends, fighting, drinking, and exploring the world)

Dislikes: He glances off to the side, rubbing his arm. (Being alone, his immortality, darkness, family, heat, and seafood)

Strengths: "Why would I tell you that?" (He is greatly gifted in archery, contrary to his family's curse by Apollo, and has an aim that could equally rival the archer's children.)

Weaknesses: "Seriously, why would I tell you?" (He is highly empathetic and is driven by his emotions. He's also impulsive and would willingly run head-first into battle with no prior knowledge of what's going on.)

Weapon(s): A silver bow called; Whiplash and an enchanted trident called; Tidal wave.


Hydrokinesis- He has the ability to manipulate, shape, and create water; whether it is in a liquid, gas, or solid form as well as heal when in contact with any large body of water.

Animal Telepathy- He can speak telepathically and communicate with animals and vice versa; though it is limited to only aquatic mammals/fish and horses.

Hydroportation- He can teleport via water sources, though it needs to be a large enough body of water and it leaves him extremely weak afterwards.

Siren Song- He has an astonishing, enchanting singing voice capable of briefly incapacitating those who hear him.

Backstory: "Well...It's kind of a long story..." (Growing up, Johnny was known around his small village to be an adventurous troublemaker, freeing the livestock, sneaking off in the night, bringing other children with him into the woods. As he got older, it became clear to him that he was not like the other children. For starters, he had a much higher immune system than average, which is a surprise in itself, he always appeared to have been more durable than most, and was occasionally got out of near-death experiences unscathed. He soon came to discover that he was in fact a Demigod, the forbidden offspring between a immortal God and a mortal human.)

Other: He and Kidemónas are connected through a soul link in his amulet.


Name: They sighed, shaking their head. "To think, I've been absent for so long that you mortals would forget about me.." (Kidemónas)

Nickname: They puffs out their chest. "As if I have such need for such frivolous things as a nickname." (Guardian or G)

Age: "A lot older than how you perceive me, mortal." (Unknown; looks 32)

Gender: They raises a cynical eyebrow. "Does it truly matter to you about what my genitals are?" (Gender-fluid)

Species: "Something that your feeble minds couldn't comprehend." (Primordial)

Sexuality: "I do not have the time for nor the patience to deal with your...earthly relations." (Aroace)

Looks: "Are you blind? I am standing in front of you, am I not?" (Kidemónas' true self is unable to be seen by mortal eyes but some ancient drawings depicts them as a being with pale skin, pure silver eyes, and sparkling silver hair wearing armor made out shining stars and cape as blood red as mars. Their mortal form depicts them as a tall but thin individual with tanned skin, slight curves, salt and pepper hair, and gray eyes. They will sometimes wear a sweater-vest and a tie with dress pants when out in public)

Family: "......" (They refuses to answer)

Personality: They rolls their eyes and turns to look away. (They're very blunt with their words and usually speaks of what's honestly on their mind which lands them in quite a few problems. They rely heavily on the logic of situations and tends to follow their mind more than their heart. They might as well have invited the term sarcasm as it is their second language, though it doesn't seem to fit well with their rather monotone voice. They're also incredibly stubborn and has grown slight ego due to their title.)

Likes: "That is none of your concern." They hissed (Their brother Chaos, their host Jonthisicus, quiet spaces, punishing evil, pushing order between the realms and keeping balance between the Multiverse)

Dislikes: "Pesty mortals that question me about useless information." (Chaos between worlds, being forgotten, and mankind)

Strengths: "Confidential." (Eons worth of knowledge are at their fingertips and they have no problem recalling what happened from any specific point of time.)

Weaknesses: "Confidential" They repeated, narrowing their eyes. (They have no idea how to interact with the people of this time and has trouble expressing themselves or connecting with others.)

Weapon(s): "Yes." They stated simply. (A Greatsword strapped to their back and a silver shield.)

Powers: "Would you like to find out firsthand?..." They threatened, calmly. (They control the very fabric of reality and is ability to transverse through perceivable universes. Though their power was greatly reduced since imprisonment, they're still able to watch over the multiverse and perform small reality shifts.)

Backstory: "Typical.... Humans have forgotten the very reason they're alive on this rock." They scowled, crossing their arms. (The myths state that the Primordial Chaos had created the universe and all who reside in it. Though what the myths didn't state was that in doing so Chaos had also created multiple universes, all of them already creating their own galaxies and life. Unable to watch over each individual world at once while also maintaining life in the main universe, Chaos took the energy from a dying star and a scattered planet to form a amulet that soon gave sentience to a being named Kidemónas, the Primordial of the Multiverse. Millenniums later, humans had stopped believing in the ancient beings of the universe and as a last ditch effort, Kidemónas had transferred their remaining essence into the very amulet that born them and sent it to a random planet somewhere in the multiverse, hoping for someone; anyone, to find them.)

Other: They and Jonthisicus are connected via soul link from their amulet.

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