AlexaZedler's Performance

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In the Song Covers category, AlexaZedler performs "Lose You to Love Me" by Selena Gomez!

Interview Questions:

Why did you choose to cover this song?

This song is so emotional and brings out the feeling in myself. It explains heartbreak and releasing yourself from the toxic love. The way Selena Gomez sings it is just so amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. I swear, every time I hear this song it just makes me cry. So, that's why I chose this song. I wanna try it myself.

What does music mean to you?

I'm not gonna brag about how music is my life and I can't live without it. That's dumb and boring. Music is part of my life. I know, I can't live without listening to music for even one day. And whenever I get a writer's block, music helps me on getting out of it. The same goes to all of my life problems. Music is the medicine to all of my diseases.

What do you love about performing?

Well, I love performing on stage even though I feel a little nervous. The applause and the appreciations. I love them. I could just lose myself in there. But I still get a panic attack whenever I go on stage.

Who/What are your major artistic influences?

Definitely my mom. She loves music and she just adores singing. But as she grew up, she got a lot of responsibilities and totally gave up music. But I don't wanna end up like that. Like I said before, music is part of my life and I'll never give it up.

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