Thirty Six

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I angrily looked up into Kai's devilish eyes.
"I'd rather kiss a frog than you."

"A frog?" He laughed.
"But thats not true is it."

He pinned my arms above my head and he quickly placed his lips onto mine. I had a flashback to when he started to take advantage of me. I suddenly start to feel chest pain and my breathing started to speed up.
I tried pushing Kai off but it wasn't working.
Couldn't he see i was having a panic attack.

My vision started going blurry, and i needed to cough.
I felt my eyes closing and i was about to fall when i felt Kai suddenly get off me.

I heard a shout but it was too much and i felt pain as my body hit the floor.

I woke up in my own bed and i was really confused. What had happened.
No one was in my room and i was by myself.
I slowly stood up and i held my head as i felt pain.
I remembered now. I wonder what happened to Kai.
I opened my door only to be met with two pairs of soft eyes. He was giving me a warm smile which i hadn't seen from him in so long.

 He was giving me a warm smile which i hadn't seen from him in so long

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"Are you okay, you must of hurt your head quite badly when you fell."
I hadn't spoke to him like this in so long. I thought he wouldn't want to speak to me.

"You saved me?"

"Well, i guess i did yeah. I threw Kai off you and punched him a few times but then i saw you fall on the floor and i panicked so i chucked you over my shoulder and ran you back here."

I ran up to him and i wrapped my arms around him.
"Thank you so much. I'm sure i would of died if you weren't there." I felt him tense up a bit before relaxing.

I quickly stepped back realising our position.
"Sorry." I muttered.

He walked further into my room quickly closing the door behind him.
"Have you spoken to Vernon since he found out?" He simply asked me.

I shook my head and sat down on my bed. I wished he hadn't reacted like that. I wish it could of ended different.

"If you don't mind me asking, why had Kai pinned you to a wall? Was there something you did to make him do that?"

I coughed a bit and looked up at him.
"Remember when i told you i had an ex boyfriend."

He slowly nodded.
"Well that is him."

His eyes widened a bit.
"Kai! Kai is your ex boyfriend."

"Yeah.. i think i had a panic attack when he kissed me again."

"I'm so sorry i couldn't get there sooner." He started to move closer towards the bed when he stopped himself.

"If i'm honest, i've missed you Y/n."

"Why did you let her blackmail you Jisung, i know i was mad at you that night but it was just heat of the moment."

"I was weak i know i was."

He sat next to me on the bed and played with his fingers while looking down.
"Now Vernon knows and he will probably force me to move out of this house." I stated.

Jisung looked up at me.
"Maybe he will calm down a bit after time passes."

He locked eyes with me and he just moved his hand to rest on my cheek.
"Do you still love me?" Jisung asked me.

I stared into his eyes as my heartbeat was pounding out my chest.

"I- i can't. Vernon will literally disown me as a sister."

"That didn't stop you before? Did it?"

I gulped,
"That was before. He would be suspicious now."

I saw him take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry."

"For wha-"
He moved his head forward when he pressed his huge lips onto mine pushing me back on the bed.

I couldn't help but kiss back. I had missed him so much.

He pressed me onto the bed and he unzipped his jacket.
"I can't help myself. Its been to long." He whispered then kissing me again and again.


I heard a door slam from downstairs.

I rolled over off of Jisung who was just laying there.
"Is that our parents?!" I asked him quite scared.

I stayed silent and i heard my mothers voice, and i heard my brothers.

"Vernon is here as well. Get into your room right now!"

Jisung threw on a shirt and his boxers quickly running out of my bedroom.

I just put on a shirt and laid back in bed.

Why was Vernon here as well.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and i gulped.

Vernon walked in and he looked at me.
"What are you doing sleeping? Its like 5pm."

"Its cold. What do you want anyways."
I asked with a dull tone.

"Mother and father want to go out to dinner with all of us. You, me and Jisung."

My eyes widened.
"Dinner? Do we have to go."

"Of course. It will be our first family dinner all together." He smirked.

"Vernon, i know you dislike what me and Jisung did but you need to get over it."

"No, i don't just dislike the fact you had a relationship with him, i dislike him altogether. Now go get dressed."

✔︎ 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥~𝙗𝙧𝙤  || BOOK 1 ||𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝙹𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐||Where stories live. Discover now