She shows me my room and all I want to do is take a long shower and go to sleep, but I am hungry and in need for the answers to my questions, so I take a quick shower and change my clothes. I go downstairs and find Gloria in the kitchen but Rick is nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Rick?" I ask her.

"Maybe in his room" She answers stirring something.

"Isn't he coming for dinner?"

"I don't think and I need to talk with you anyway," She adds, "Alone."
That sounded creepy.

"Alone?" I question.

"Yes, I want to tell you about yourself, who you really are. . . And the reason we have brought you here."

"That's exactly what I want to know," I say resting my hand on the table.

"Evy," She starts. "Maybe, you'll find everything, whatever I say unbelievable or you would tell me that I'm stupid, but whatever I am going to tell you is the truth. . ."

"Well after seeing all this, it's pretty tough to believe what's true or what's not," I say. "But go on. . . I'm listening."

"Good," She pulls a chair to sit beside me and asks, "What's your name according to you?"

What does she mean by 'According to me'?

"I am Evy Meller," I answer with a frown. 

"All right, let me start with your name and identity, your true identity." She says as she settles back into her chair. "You are Evelyn Caldor, the heir to the throne of this Empire, The Great Empire of Akonia. Your late father, former Emperor Edward Caldor and your mother Caroline Caldor were killed by the beast sitting right now on the throne."

I raise my brows when she says the word 'Beast'. "Who's the beast ?" I ask her.

"Ezuka." She names. The way she says it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand. All with anger and hatred.

"He was the one to turn Akonia from land of happiness to the land of sorrow and tears. By killing innocents and slaughtering the ones who refused to follow him. Which also includes your mother and father." She lowers her eyes not able to look into mine as she continues.

"Evelyn, Akonia is also the land of sorcery, land of the elements, when used for a great purpose it's a boon for people living here, but when used for destruction, it turns into a curse."

"Got a glimpse of it while coming here," I say remembering every bit of it. "How did all this happen?"

"Your father was a very prosperous king, all of the Akonia used to love him and let me tell you something, this Empire is made up of seven Royal houses. Once a year, these seven houses come together to discuss the issues regarding the Empire and find a solution to it."

"Mhm," I nod my head along. "So, which are these seven Royal houses?"

"House Caldor,
House Raydon,
House Palidon,
House Merdiza,
House Ielron,
House Reeze and
House Gryend."

I swallow as she completes and says, "Well, I have to write it all down to remember it."

She continues, "Each of the houses possesses the ability and power of a particular element, it means that they can control or manipulate anything or anyone if that element is included in it."

"Like Rick did?" I ask her. "He used a fireball kind of thing to make that spirit unconscious." The thought still makes me nervous.

"Yes." She nods her head in agreement, "Rick belongs to the house Raydon, they are masters and the mistresses of Fire."

"That means they can control Fire?" I ask trying to understand all of this mess.

"Correct, likewise all other Royal houses can control or manipulate a particular element. Later remind me to give you the books of ancient Akonia and it's history, just so you can understand all this 'mess' better."

"How did you know it?" I ask, surprised. "I never spoke the word 'mess' to describe this situation."

"I'm Gloria Gryend, the Mistress of Spirit. Spirit is the most powerful as well as the most dangerous element of all, it grants the power of controlling or manipulating a person's mind or soul, so I can read your mind whenever I want to."  I shudder at the thought of it.

House Gryend, Spirit.
House Raydon, Fire.
I repeat it again and again to remember them.

"Hey, you said Evy Caldor, which means House Caldor and they are. . ." I pause.

"Masters and Mistresses of the Earth element."

Earth. "So, according to you, I have the power of the Earth element?"

"Yes you should, but there is something special about you, something more powerful, something different." She answers.

"Which is?" I ask, my patience running out now.

"You not only possess the power of the Earth element but all of them." She pauses. "You are a Naturalistic, Evy."

The Naturalisticजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें