Kade raises an eyebrow. "Really? Because it looks like you snuck my guns out of my room and started having a shoot off with them." He assumes.

"That's exactly what it was," the girl gives a pearly white smile as she shoves the man to the side. She comes over pulling Kade into a hug. To my surprise he hugs the girl back. These must be his friends, I've never seen him so calm and comfortable with anybody but me and Cash.

"Oh so this man can get a hug? But when I say let's fuck in the jacuzzi it's no?" The man jokingly questions.

"I am not fuckin' in this man's jacuzzi." She gives him a mug before turning to me. I let out a laugh but cover it quickly when I see that the attention is now on me. "Khalil who's this?" I can hear the woman's tone is protective and I almost find myself a little nervous.

The man comes over wrapping his arms around her staring at me too.

"This is Danielle but she likes to go by Dani." Kade smiles leaning over and ruffling my hair up. I shove him playfully watching as the couple smiles at the both of us.

"Dani..Dani," the man repeats as if he's heard it before. "Oh Dani! Cash's Dani!" He finally gets it.

I frown. "I'm not his Dani." Just my luck Kade explains me by saying I'm Cash's girlfriend. I turn to him mugging him only for him to just give me a shrug.

"Damn you gone turn my man down like that?" The man who's name I do not know jokes.

The girl rolls her eyes before reaching a hand out. "I'm Sebi." (Sea-be). She introduces.

"I'm Nutori, but you can call me Turi." The white man tells me. I nod almost telling them my name until I remembered they already know it.

"Shhh this isn't about you." Sebi shushes him.

Me and Kades watch as the couple start playfully arguing. I figure their friends from Louisiana, since I can hear the southern accent on their tongue.

"Well how about we get this party started," Sebi says before skipping away.

"Oh god I'll go get her before she pulls out the liquor." Turi jokes running after her.

"Sorry I didn't know they'd be here so soon," Kade apologizes.

I fan him off. "They seem pretty cool." Though I can't help but wonder if they do what Kade does. Are they murders too?

He smiles down at me before taking my hand and dragging me around the large home.


"I kid you not he used to be scrawny, back in highschool all the girls used to curve the fuck out of him." I listened as my best friend more so like a brother told embarrassing stories about me.

"Enough." I mumbled.

Dani playfully hit me. "No tell me more." She tells Turi clearly enjoying it.

"Tell her the story about how that one bitch rejected you at that party. And you told everybody about how she secretly was a hoe." Sebi egged on.

Dani's eyes widened. "What?" She laughed. I enjoyed seeing her so happy considering she's been going through so much. It's good to know she's actually having a good time. 

"Actually," I interrupt before he can get the chance. I lean over towards her. "D baby can you go grab us some cups from the kitchen. It's right down the hall and take a left. It's the room the big double doors."

She smacks he lips but ends up failing giving me a smile. She gets up and walks off. I can't help but watch her as she walks away.

"So," Sebi starts. "Danielle."

THUG WATERS (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now