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This is definitely a demon's work... But how's possible for demons to exist if they were all killed my Jannick?! Someone brought their souls back... But that can be done only by heaven people... There's definitely a traitor...

I look carefully to the woman, and I observe a mark on her shoulder... She had a stamp... If I try to take it, it'll probably burn... And that will hurt Jangkook's mother... The demon who put it, has to be the one to take it...

But what do I do? Jennie has Jangkook God knows where... Wait, God knows where! I should head to heaven, and ask him... Plus, we can talk about the traitor, yeah, that's what I'll do...

I look both sides of the street to check that no one's watching... And I transform into my archangel form, then, I start flying towards heaven...

(credits to the author  Thatonechimmenciona un usuario my future wife is a goddess, the pic is from his fanfic, oh, go and check it, it's really good)

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(credits to the author  Thatonechimmenciona un usuario my future wife is a goddess, the pic is from his fanfic, oh, go and check it, it's really good)

I'll talk with dad, we need a solution... That, or transform Jangkook without him knowing that his an angel... Ugh, why is always so complicated?

-Once at heaven-

-Jihyo: Dad... We need to talk...
-Gabriel: Jihyo? (confused) What are you doing here?
-Jihyo: Can I talk with God?
-Gabriel: Why, tho? You know his a busy person...
-Jihyo: A demon took control over Jangkook's mother, and his now with Jennie, the devil... I don't know where, but they are together... (sighs)
-Gabriel: It must be one of the demons that the traitor brought back to life... God is also investigating who the traitor is...
-Jihyo: What a relief... But, what do we do with Jangkook? There must be a reason... Why is Jennie so interested on him?
-Gabriel: Maybe she wants to turn him into the hell's prince, once again?
-Jihyo: That's it, how can you be so relax? He's so powerful, you already know that... (looks down) I don't want to experience a fight like that one again...
-Gabriel: It won't happen, since...
-Jihyo: Since?
-Gabriel: I found you someone who will help gladly... (smiles) Come here please...

-Boy: Did you call for me, sir? (smiles) -Jihyo: Who is he? (confused) -Gabriel: Oh, he's Baekhyun, Cupid's son

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-Boy: Did you call for me, sir? (smiles)
-Jihyo: Who is he? (confused)
-Gabriel: Oh, he's Baekhyun, Cupid's son... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Cupid had a son?! (surprised)
-Gabriel: Yeah, and since Cupid is busy and can't help you, here there's his son... (smiles) I hope you get along, and also you can solve this problem...
-Baek: I'll try my best, sir (bows and smiles)
-Gabriel: I know you will, anyway, I have to go, God needs me... (smiles)
-Jihyo: But we don't know where's Jangkook!
-Gabriel: God can't tell you neither, sorry dear, think how to find him... (smiles) See you later! (leaves)
-Jihyo: Wait- Dad! (groans) How am I going to find him now... (looks down)
-Baek: Uhm... If you excuse me, I can help you (smiles)
-Jihyo: You really can? (hopefully)
-Baek: Yeah, just if he's your true love... (smiles) I can use my arrows, I shoot one to you, and the other one will guide us to wherever he is...
-Jihyo: You plan to shoot an arrow towards and archangel?
-Baek: Sorry, I don't have any other way to do it... (smiles)
-Jihyo: (sighs) Fine, shoot at me...
-Baek: Great, here we go... (smiles)

He points at me with the arrow, I would be lying if I said that I'm not scared... I mean, will it hurt? I close my eyes and then I felt it...

But instead of pain... I felt like butterflies at my tummy? Why tho? This is weird... I never understood how Cupid's family worked...

-Jihyo: (opens her eyes) Uhm... It didn't hurt?
-Baek: Of course not (smiles) You probably felt like butterflies at your tummy, right?
-Jihyo: Yeah, but... Why tho?
-Baek: Because that's what you feel when you are in love (smiles)
-Jihyo: Oh, I see... It makes sense now...
-Baek: Well, now I'll shoot this other arrow which is connected to the one that I shot at you, and it'll guide us towards your love... (smiles)
-Jihyo: I see... What a useful skill (smiles)
-Baek: Yeah, well... (smiles) Let's go! (shoots the arrow)

Now we'll follow that arrow and it'll bring us towards Jangkook, just wait for me... I won't let Jennie take control over you...

JANGKOOK'S POVThe day started with an amazing breakfast prepared by Jin and Jennie

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The day started with an amazing breakfast prepared by Jin and Jennie... They are surprisingly, amazing cookers...

Now we are just walking around, the mountain sighs are so beautiful and relaxing... I feel free, I don't know, it's a weird feeling...

-Jennie: You are enjoying this, doesn't you? (smiles)
-Jangkook: I am... This is so peacefully (smiles)
-Jennie: I see... You could make it yours if you wanted to...
-Jangkook: (confused) How would I do that? With a pic? (smiles)
-Jennie: Nope, literally, the world could be yours... (serious)
-Jangkook: Huh? How would I do something like that? (laughs)
-Jennie: You just need to trust me...
-Jangkook: I just know you from this week, and I'm already on a trip with you...
-Jennie: That's because I know you from before... (smiles and caress your cheek)
-Jangkook: W-What do you mean?
-Jennie: (chuckles) I know since really long ago...
-Jangkook: Why? I mean, how?
-Jennie: Simply, I was part of your life on your other life... (smiles)
-Jangkook: Ahh... (laughs) I understand now, you believe that thing of past souls and so, right? (smiles)
-Jennie: Totally (smiles)
-Jangkook: Then, I guess that we were really close, maybe I was some kind of-
-Jennie: Boyfriend, you were my boyfriend... Almost my husband, and we were about to conquer the world (smiles)
-Jangkook: Sounds interesting... What do you think that happened?
-Jennie: You died because of a stupid girl... (serious)
-Jangkook: Why do you sound so serious?
-Jennie: Because that's exactly what happened... (sighs)
-Jangkook: Jennie-
-Boy: Sorry if I'm interrupting you, but could you follow me? (smiles)
-Jennie: Who are you?
-Boy: I'm the owner of this natural reserve... (smiles)


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A FIGHT FOR LOVE 2- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now