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Not again... Not again... How the hell did this happen? Jennie is back again? And why does she need to be related with Jannick, I mean, Jangkook as well?

-Jangkook: Hey, are you okay? You froze for a moment...
-Jihyo: Yeah, I'm okay... Just, well, I need to go back home...
-Jangkook: Okay-

I leave before he can say anything else... I need to talk with my father... How is it possible that she's back? Did God bring her back as well?

-Time skip until she reaches her flat-

Damn, I need to contact with my father...

-Jihyo: Dad... I know that you are watching... Can you come for a moment?
-Gabriel: (appears) Jihyo... Did you call me? (smiles)
-Jihyo: How is it possible?! (pissed)
-Gabriel: What happens? What are you talking about? (confused)
-Jihyo: You know perfectly what am I talking about, why is Jennie back too?!

 Did you call me? (smiles)-Jihyo: How is it possible?! (pissed)-Gabriel: What happens? What are you talking about? (confused)-Jihyo: You know perfectly what am I talking about, why is Jennie back too?!

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-Gabriel: Jennie... The devil?
-Jihyo: That one, the one who almost tricks my Jannick!
-Gabriel: I don't know... God didn't tell me that she would bring her back...
-Jihyo: I hate it... And she's going to meet Jannick as well now... (sighs)
-Gabriel: You know that his name is Jangkook and not Jannick now, right?
-Jihyo: I know, I know... Whatever... I just don't like the fact that they'll meet again...
-Gabriel: Jihyo... I don't want to sound rude, but I think that you are obsessed with him... You still remember everything, and your love is still inside you... But he's new, he doesn't know, you can't stalk him like you are doing...
-Jihyo: What do you mean? That I should stop being after him? How will I ever get to date him, then?
-Gabriel: With time... There's no need to rush, you need to make him fall for you and slowly, youll get back to what you were... (smiles)
-Jihyo: (sighs) If you say so... I'm so scared of going through the same things as before... And I want to return back to heaven, but to do that, I need to turn him into an angel...
-Gabriel: Calm... Dear, you'll have that soon... Just wait a bit... He's a human now, follow his pace... Don't rush... (smiles)
-Jihyo: (hugs him) Dad, you always know what to say... (smiles)
-Gabriel: I'm glad I could help you dear... (smiles) Anyway, I need to go back...
-Jihyo: Yeah, see you next time (smiles)

For now, I'll obey dad, I won't rush things between Jangkook and I... I'll cool down, I was being too much stubborn...

-Time skip the next day-

I wake up early due to the annoying alarm, get ready and head downstairs to have breakfast.

-Mom: Good morning, Jangie (smiles)
-Jangkook: (yawns) Good morning...
-Mom: Two toasts? (smiles)
-Jangkook: Yeah please, as always mom (smiles and takes a seats)

I have breakfast and later on, I leave heading to school... As everyday, Jihyo will be waiting for me at the entrance and- Where is she? How weird... She's not here?

Well, maybe she's sick... I'll go by my own to school...

-Once you arrive at home-

No way! She's there! She's sitting at her seat... Then, why wasn't she waiting for me like always? It's just really weird...

A FIGHT FOR LOVE 2- JIHYO X MALE READERWhere stories live. Discover now