Dead End/Broken Emotions

Start from the beginning

Qrow: "You've gotta be kidding me..."

Maria: "Now, now, let's not give up hope yet. Maybe she's dead!"

Suddenly, the gates open up quickly, and the two guards return.

Guard 1: "Introducing!"

Guard 2: "Special operative!"

Both Nubuck Guards: "Caroline Cordovin!"

Footsteps can be heard approaching before the camera lowers down to reveal a short-statured elderly woman around Maria's age wearing the standard Atlesian officer uniform.

Cordovin steps forward and glares at Maria

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Cordovin steps forward and glares at Maria.

Cordovin: "Witch."

Maria: "She-devil."

Cordovin: "Hm. I've seen you've chosen larger contraband to smuggle this time."

Maria: "Oh, Cordo. You know they say time changes people, but I see you've still got that stick right up your--"

Ruby than interrupted, before it can go out of hand

Ruby: "H-hello! Miss, uh, Cordovin. My name is Ruby Rose, and I was wondering if you would hear us out about--"

Cordovin: I've already heard what your other little friends had to say, Miss Rose.

Cordovin says, as she looks behind Ruby, noticing Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren standing a little ways away behind the group.

"What are you doing back here?! I thought I told you to leave!"

Nora than tries to charge forward, only to be held back by Ren and Jaune.

Nora: "And I told you we wouldn't rest until you let us through!"

Ren is than smiling and waving rather nervously.

"Nice to see you again as well!"

Cordovin: "You civilians are clearly incapable of comprehending the importance of our mission here in Argus. So allow me to say this slowly, with smaller words: This base, that relay tower, the very safety of Argus are all gifts from the glorious Kingdom of Atlas! "

A backdrop showing the Atlesian flag waves behind her.

"And it is my duty to uphold them, as only I have the wit and tenacity for such a task."

Guard Nubuck 1: "Such wit!"

Guard Nubuck 2: "Such tenacity!"

Kage than summoned a dumbbell over one's head, while Mecha summoned a Hard-light Mace on the other. And with a loud CLANG, they fell unconscious.

Kage: "Such dumb bulls."

Mecha: Good one right there. We gave them an a-Mace-ing load for them to carry right there, Kage.

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