Atlas Experiment gone Wrong/Best Day Ever

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In the city of Atlas...

The city of Atlas. It is one of the most technologically advanced cities in the entirety of Remnant, but is also one of the least popular to ever exist. All the times they used Faunuses as Slave labor, and all the times that they do very illegal experiments that are very wrong. One such example is the military of Atlas, and the head General, James Ironwood.
James Ironwood is known for being a strong leader, but is also known for being rather power hungry and paranoid. His power hungry side, along with his paranoia, controlled him when he laid his eyes on Sans Gaster.

Sans Gaster had a very unique aura. His aura seems to frequently grow more powerful, despite the fact he didn't train. When he was at the Rose's house, he ordered them to give pain to Sans, or he will kill their children. When he escaped and went to his real father, he tried to do the same to his dad. William Gaster, however, turned the entire thing around, when he had his Gaster Abyss Blaster above his military, threatening to shoot it, should he put his hands on his son. Realizing that he put himself in a bad situation, he backed out. When William Gaster died, he tried to take Sans, only to be foiled once again by Sans making a group of individuals that had protected him in all directions. After the battle of the Docks, however, they are able to get a sample of Sans' blood, and analyzed it. The result was outright beyond anything they had ever seen. The cells have been giving him immense power, and has been growing, giving out what could be potential infinite power. They had tried to use it on a testing chamber, using the DNA of another human, but it always ended wrong. They then switched to Faunus DNA. It has where it almost worked, but it has been an absolute failure, which had happened 2 times. So they believed that if they can get their hands on immensely strong Faunus, it could give them the Weapon that they want. So they tried it on a immensely powerful Tiger Faunus, with this one having a Faunus tail. They were able to successfully clone the original Sans, and named this one Subject S03. However, they are not prepared for the outcome of it.

Atlas testing lab...2:00 P.M.

Ironwood is seen looking at the person inside a tank. It has the appearance of Sans Gaster, but instead has dark blue hair, dark blue Faunus tiger ears, and a Faunus tiger tail, with light blue tiger stripes, and doesn't have scarves on him. It struggles to wake up, but is unable to, as it is trying to make the weapon they own mindless, and only follows their orders.

"Sir...the process is complete. We are ready for release."

"Are you absolutely sure, Doctor."

"The meter is at 100."

Ironwood nodded and turns to the subject in the tank.

"Get ready to release him."

The scientists nodded their heads, and typed in the password to released the test subject. When they are done, the tank drained the liquid that kept the clone nicely fresh. The clone was then released from the tubes that was than suspending it from above. The clone than landed, standing. It's eyes, however, are hidden.

"Subject S03, look at me."

The clone, however, did nothing. Ironwood was confused that the clone wasn't responding to him.

"That's strange, why isn't the subject responding to me?"

Ironwood than walked up to S03.

"Subject, I said look at-"

When Ironwood shouted at him, S03 grabbed his right arm and ripped it off him. Ironwood went back in pain, as the doctors held him. His eyes are shown. The top iris is dark blue, while the bottom is turquoise.

"You people are foolish, thinking you can turn me into one of your pet projects."

The scientists are all shocked.

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