Chapter 20, 9 Months later (finale chapter)

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*9 months later*

Hannah's eyes fluttered open to see her gorgeous husband right next to him, watching TV. Hannah felt it was unfair that he stayed up all night watching her because doctor smiley told them she was close to due for the baby. She sighed and slowly got up, rubbing her husbands head. He looked at her and gave her a tired smile. "You need to get sleep Jeff" Hannah said resting on his shoulder. "And what happens if your water breaks and I'm not awake?" Jeff protested. Hannah rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh "Then I'll wake you up dummy" Hannah said flicking a piece of Jeff's hair. Jeff grunted and started to get out of bed. Hannah looked at the calendar on the wall. It was May 20th. "Jeff... I'm worried about dad... he's been gone two months..." Jeff looked at Hannah's worries and sad face, he ran over to her wasting no time. "Hannah he's the strongest and bravest man I know, not to mention immortal unless someone used a bullet covered in wolfs bane hit him which nobody would even figured that out to begin with, he's fine Hannah." Hannah smiled a fake smile at Jeff. That didn't make her feel all the way better but it's nice to be reassured that Jeff cared. Hannah SLOWLY got up and made her wake to the kitchen. Everyone was there, suddenly Liu and Jane walked up to me. "Good morning" Liu said looking Hannah in the eye, "And good morning to you too my little girl" Liu said bending down to Hannah's stomach. "You should let us cook today" Jane said to me. I nodded. "I could use the help. I'm very close and I don't wanna have to drop everything if my water breaks while I'm cooking" Liu got to his feet and smiled. Hannah walked to the table and sat down next to her husband.

*Hannah's POV*

Everyone was friends with me again, Liu and Jane couldn't be happier to help me out. They wouldn't do it for Jeff I knew that before anything. They hated Jeff with a strong passion and that would never change, but their love for me could never change. Jeff, Ben and Zack were chatting about how Ben and Zacks relationship was going. I looked towards the end of the table to see EJ and Eve talking and laughing and kissing, life just seemed to keep getting better. Toby and Jane were making breakfast (mostly waffles) Masky and Hoodie were talking amongst themselves. Everything was at peace. I pulled my chair up and slowly sat up from the table. Jeff met my gaze. "I'm going for a walk Jeff, doc said if I move it might quicken things up more." Jeff nodded "Okay be careful. Scream if anything happens and I mean it!" Jeff yelled up to my face. I simply nodded and walked out the door. I walked around the outside of the house. Offender had recently made a beautiful garden behind the house. I decided to see how the flowers were doing. The roses of course were beautiful, the bleeding hearts were along the path of the garden. For a man who continues to say he's straight he sure plays the gay gardener role very well. I giggled to myself. My birthday was in a month. I was born June 20th. My black long hair was blow by the soft wind, I bent down to smell hydrangeas when suddenly I heard a familiar whistle. I bolted up and looked behind me and that's when he spoke. "So, I see he let you marry Jeff." Laughter spat in my direction. I felt fear and depression start to fill my body. Then another feeling, something I have never felt before in my life. Hate. Pure hatred. "What are you doing here?! If anyone finds you they'll rip you to shreds!" I hissed at him. He laughed then looked dead into my eyes. "Do you wanna know why I raped you?" His voice had no sense of guilt, but instead hatred filled his voice. I didn't answer I just stared into his white lifeless eyes. "I asked your father for your hand in marriage when you were only 16 and he DENIED it!" He spat out. "He said that his daughter deserved the best! HA! And I suppose Jeff the is the best? Well he most certainly was no where close to my love and dedication to you!!" He spat out again. I felt my eyes well up with tears. I felt guilt overlap my chest. When I thought back to it, he has shown every sign and love and dedication to me, and I still chose Jeff. And my father, why on gods earth world he say that to a friend he's known for year. Jack started to walk towards me until he was nearly inches away from my face. "Was I really not good enough?" He asked, his voice was in pure pain. I held my stomach and rubbed it while I cried. "The plan was" he continued "to woe you, get you pregnant, then let you father see that I was worthy enough to have your hand. But you didn't want me." He said with his voice cracking and tears rolling down his eyes. "The worst part is Hannah that you let Hannah have your child and not me." He said looking into my eyes. I don't know what to say or do. He did something unforgettable and unforgivable, but guilt filled up my heart. "I'm sorry Jacky... but my heart wants what it wants" Jack looked shocked by my response. Until he pulled me into a hug. "I can't come back or stay here, just so you know" I nodded into his shoulder. "Be safe dear friend. I said patting his back gently. Ten minutes past and he finally let me go. He bent down to my pregnant stomach and said "be good to your mother, she's a wonderful woman" he got back up slowly and nodded at me. I waved him off as I watched him walk away and disappear isn't the forest. I stood there rubbing my stomach with tears rolling down my face. That mans pain was happening at this time and I never knew. Why did life have to be so unfair to people? Not just me but everyone who feels pain. Well expect Today, for him that boat has sailed. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Offendy standing There "Jeff and Ben are looking for you, there worried, let me walk you in." He knew not to ask when I was crying or sad, only daddy and Jeff could get me to crack. I nodded and took his arm back into the house, he left me at the back door where I watched everyone all chat and have tiny arguments. I felt a smile creek onto my face until I felt a pain and something wet drip down my side. I widened my eyes in shock, Jeff and Liu looked my way. "What's wrong?" Jeff asked worried at the other side of the room. I looked Jeff dead in the eye and said "my water just broke" the whole room went quiet. Jeff, Jane and Liu all ran over to me and helped me upstairs into my old bedroom, we had decided to do the child birth in here because it was going to be the babies room. They gently laid me down on the bed while Jane grabbed the phone and called Doctor Smiley. "Jeff.." I started to cry "Daddy ISNT here!" I hissed up at him with tears in my eyes. Jeff shook his head "I think the important thing is when he comes home he's gonna meet his grandchild" I continued to cry. I wanted him to be here while I did this. Why did he have to leave? And hour past and my contractions got closer and closer, Doctor smiley ran into the room and continued to check and see and look. Suddenly a burning pain came, like I was being lit on fire from the inside. "Push!" Doctor Smiley screamed while nurse Ann sat in the Corner for extra support, 5 minutes went by and I guess I was doing good. I kept being told to push and that I was so close, I was so dizzy and in pain. Jeff held and let me squeeze his hand, Jane also let me hold hers. Suddenly, all the pain I felt was gone and relief and tiredness swept me over. The crying sounds of my baby filled the room, Doctor Smiley smiled at me and Jeff "Well Liu, you guess right, it's a girl." Doctor smiley said handing me my daughter. A tear started to stream down my eye as I held her. Jeff looked at her and pet her head. "So Alice then?" Jeff said. I giggled a tired giggle. "Yes Alison Grace Woods" Jeff smiled and kissed my head "perfect" Jeff said into my ear. Me and Jeff sat there holding our daughter for what seemed like hours. Doctor Smiley put his hand on my left shoulder. "I need to make sure she's healthy and if she mortal or not" he said in a kind voice. I handed her off to his as he put her in a dipper. He took out a small syringe and put it in he tummy. She started to cry so Jeff ran over to calm her down. Doctor smiley started up his computer and started to do the research on her blood. He looked up at me, "definitely half monster half human. More on the human side though because Jeff is basically human." Jeff laughed and pet his daughters head "Let's hope you take after mommy and not daddy" he said smiling down at her. Her soft blue eyes met his, he chuckled. "Got my eyes and mommy's hair huh?" She has a tiny bit of black hair at the top of her hair and ocean blue eyes. Her skin was pale but not pure white like me and Jeff's were. "Ah says here she's got a little bit of Greek in her, and German probably from Jeff side and Polish- oh yikes." The last comment made me laugh, I knew my father was Greek and Jeff's family was mostly German but where the hell did Polish come from? Maybe my mom? I have no clue. Doctor Smiley told us she was healthy and that he'd be seeing her in two months. She was in her crib cuddled into some blankets, we were back in our room with our daughter. She would be staying in here until she was old enough for her own room. Me and Jeff rocked her cradle back and forth while Jeff held me in his arms. This was perfect. Everything I could ever want was right here. We heard a slight knock on our door. "Come on!" Jeff said. Then in walked in Jane and Liu. "We're here to see Alison" Jane said with a smirk while Liu practically jumped in place. I giggled and motioned them over to her. The went to the other side of the crib and started to baby talk to her, small giggled escaped her. A smile formed to me and Jeff's face. "I can't wait until you get older Alice then you can hangout with your awesome uncle and remember it" Liu laughed. Jane sighed and rolled her eyes. Everything was perfect... well almost, I looked out The wood filled window and wondered where on earth my father was. I hope he was safe. I guess all I could do right now was focus on my new born baby and husband.

*3 weeks later*

I sat on the cough watched Ben and Zack play video games while Eve and EJ played the peanut gallery. I held my baby in my arms feeding her from a bottle. Jeff walked over and kissed my cheek. "Aw dude get a room" EJ said to Jeff making them both laugh. "Just wait you'll get married to Eve and you'll understand" Eve laughed at Jeff's joke while EJ laid back in the chair whining and pouting. I looked down and noticed that my daughter was all out of her milk. I moved Jeff to sit in my spot while I went to go get her milk with her. I almost made it in when I heard a voice "I'm home, Brothers where's my daughter." Offender and Trender choked. Suddenly I walked into the room, I had a long black dress on with flats. My father looked my way as his eyes widened and filled up with tears. "I missed it?" He asked sadly. I nodded and felt tears start to run down my face. He ran over to me and my child, moving the Blanket out of her way to get a better look. Her eyes met my father and she let out a little laugh. She reached her hand out to his face letting her touch his nose. He laughed and tears poured down his face. "Hello granddaughter, I'm you Grandfather" he breathed out. "Slendy..." I heard a voice by the door. Two females stood there. One was small, but had a perfect body while the other was maybe 5,5 and had cut short brown hair and brown milky eyes. The other girl had brown hair and green eyes but they looked alike in the facial shaping. In fact they looked familiar. Where have I seen that face before. "Ah yes, my brothers children I had almost forgotten. I'm sorry my daughter just had a baby and I'm a tad bit over whelmed. They both smiled and the smaller one talked. "That's okay Uncle, hi Hannah it's nice to finally meet you! She said with a big opened mouth smile, the taller one nodded her head. I looked at them quizzically. "Oh I guess Slender forgot to tell you, were you're cousins, uh Zalgos kids" the taller one answered with a surprisingly deep voice. "Oh" I said smiling. "Will you be staying with us from now on?" I asked. They both nodded and walked over to me. "Aw you're such a cute little baby!" The tiny one squeaked. "Yeah she is haha" the taller was replied. "What's your names?" I asked. They both looked at me and blushed "oh how rude of us, I'm Isabel!" The smallest one squealed. "Elijah" the other one said holder up her hand. "Wait you mean the triplets? Well where's the third?" I asked. Isabels face went side while Elijahs lit up with annoyance. "She would much rather be with father than us." Isabel said looking at the ground. Elijah simply rolled his eyes. "Regardless" my father said. "They will be living here from now on and they're your new teammates." My father said to me. Jeff came over and nodded in an understandingly manner. I guess he must've overheard. I looked over at them and smiled. Things seem like they're going to get a bit more interesting around here.

Once again a special thanks to blacknightflower  for letting me use her characters and hopefully for the next book as well! I hope you enjoyed this one and if you want more when I write book two to this story check out that one too! This is Isabel signing out!

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