Chapter 13 Offenderman?

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I looked at this man with a scared yet disgusted feeling in my chest. "OFFENDER I SAID NO!" I looked over to my father who suddenly burst out in anger. "MY DAUGHTER IS COMPLETELY, ABSOLUTELY OFF LIMITS!!"  My father screamed towards the stranger. Suddenly my shoulders were grabbed and dragged towards the door, the man who I now knew as Offender held me. "Please, doll just call me Smexy." What? I didn't understand. Before I knew it my father grabbed me and I was in his hands again. His warm strong protective hands. He was the perfect father. "I told you brother, my daughter is off limits. A chuckle came from the man across me. "Whatever you say dear brother, I'm going to my room now" he walked out of the kitchen and down the hall where Liu stayed. My father turned me to face him. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, you're my daughter and any man putting his hands on you would make me very upset. I hope you understand?"

I nodded at my father then kissed his head. I was taller now thank god. Maybe 5,7? I'm not quite sure yet. My father sent me upstairs, I hoped the door to my room only to see Liu and Jane sitting in my room. "Um what are you guys doing in here?" Jane and Liu snapped towards me. "You need to spend more time with Liu!" Jane hissed at me. "No Jane! Liu and I need a break!" Liu swung up from the bed. "What!?! Piper whatever it is we can work on it!" He choked and I saw tears start to form on his face. I felt bad, but this needed to be done. I opened the door and gestured for them to leave. "Come on Liu" Jane grabbed Liu's hand and brought him out of the room, tears were streaming down his face. I felt so bad but I needed to be single to figure things out. I laid on my bed for maybe five minutes until a knock came with my door opening, stood there was my father. "I'm going out on a hunt tonight, I need it now that these idiots live here, I'll be back by sunrise" I nodded at him and yawned. He chuckled then closed the door. It was an hour later. It was 9 so he wouldn't be back yet. Not too long after another knock came onto my door. I walked past my dresser and opened the door. Offender man? What was he doing here? "I'm here to introduce myself properly." "STOP THAT!" I hissed up at the tall man. He chuckled. "I just wanted to let you know where my room is and that if you need a friend I'm the last door down the hall to the right." I nodded "uh huh you can go now, goodbye" I said closing the door leaving him to his own devices. I looked up to my dresser. On it was a flower pot and a beautiful red rose on it with a small not attached to it. I walked up and sniffed the rose, it smelt like a garden. Like a huge, big, gigantic garden. I picked up the note. "Please come see me sometime beautiful~Smexy?" Thats so fucking strange. How did this get in here. I sniffed the flower again and felt my cheeks heat up. He was handsome and charming, a deep voice and a beautifully devilish smile. I had to go confront him about this flower and how it got in my room, plus he disrespected My fathers rule of me being off limits. I took the rose out of the water and made my way down stairs. I passed Ben and Zack on the couch playing video games together, surprisingly no Eve though. Zack was laughing and blushing and surprisingly so was Ben. So cute. I support it. No Hannah stay on track! Offender first. I finally got to his door and knocked on it- no more like banged on it. He answered the door after the second bang of knocks. He had a tight red towel around his waist and nothing else on. I was too mad that being turned on didn't bother me. "Don't leave stupid roses in my room! How did you even get it in there!?" I threw the rose to his chest and he caught it like it was nothing. He was so fast, and had a fucking hot body, DAMNIT HANNAH! His hand took one of mine while the other places the rose back into my right hand. He shook his head

"Keep it little Dove, a gift from a new friend. Now if you don't mind I need to get dressed" I walked away from him without saying goodbye or anything, damn him. When I got back to the room I put the rose back in the glass vase and slammed it on my night stand and laid down. Grr he's so annoying, how am I gonna live with that asshole? I turned to the right to face away from the flower. Not too long after I felt a weight shift on my bed, my eyes swung open only to calm down by Jeff's touch. "Liu was crying, did you leave him?" Jeff whispered while twirling and playing with my hair. I simply nodded my head. I wanted leave I was so tired it wasn't even funny. Jeff laid down next to me. He snuggled up closer. His hand met my waist and I opened my eyes. His hot breath met my face, he was so close. I closed
My eyes and he started to kiss me passionately, I felt
My body warm up, from my face to my ears to my chest to knees and toes, oh god this felt so right, what do I do? Jeff started to life his hand up my shirt except this time I let him. Before I knew it we were struggling to get our close off. My legs cradled his waistline, while my arms crossed on his neck and back leaving scratch marks. My bed made a squeaking noise anytime we moved. Things got heated pretty quick. I looked over to see my door was locked and I turned up my music through the speakers, I had on Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana. Jeff has my shirt off but pants and bra still on, while Jeff had only his boxers on now. He kissed my neck and whispered such sweet things into my ear "you're beautiful, I love you, please marry me Hannah and be with me" he was my everything, my star. My life. I'd die for this man. He started to take off my pants leaving me a little shocked while letting out a squeak. Jeff chuckled in my ear and slowly took my pants off and carefully sliding them off my feet. This left up both in our underthings. "You first" he whispered and chuckled in my ear. The light was still on, and I looked at it, then Jeff, then my bra strap that was falling down. Was I really going to do this with Jeff? I just broke up with Liu, and I know Jeff cares and loves me but so does Liu, and now there's Smexy? When will this end? Although... one night wouldn't be so bad... I looked into Jeff's beautiful blue dull eyes, he was so amazing. I grabbed his head started to kiss him again. Our mouths danced and twirled. Our body's danced together like they knew what they wanted, I felt tingles go up my spine when Jeff ran his hands across my thighs. That's when


"move it EJ I said I needed to talk to her first!" "NO ME FIRST!" I heard EJ and Eve arguing outside. I then decided to quickly throw my clothes back on, I guess Jeff got the same thought because before I knew it he was back in his clothes. It's sad. I really would've done it too. I rolled my eyes as the door opened. "Hey Hannah I was wondering if maybe we could all go shopping tomorrow?" Eve said with a big smile on her face. "And I suggest a good movie" EJ said with less enthusiasm than Eve. She rolled her eyes at him and held his hand. "Oh no way!"'Jeff said from the side. "Are you and think chick dating EJ!!?" Jeff screamed in a high pitch. "Yes she is!" EJ said with a proud tone. "Great now you'll be totally whipped" I kicked Jeff's knee. "Looks like you are too bro" EJ said while waving and walking with Eve out of the room. She smiled and waved to me. I'm happy her and Zack have things figured out. I walked Jeff out the room and waved him goodbye. 11 o'clock already? I need sleep, although not that I have a school to go to anymore. If I get lucky i can just live here and become dads proxy, although I know he'd NEVER put me in harms way so probably not. I flopped back down on my bed again and sighed. Maybe I should follow my heart and just be with Jeff? I don't know I'm so confused. *Knock Knock* "Hannah sweetheart it's daddy" I rolled over to my left to face the door "COME IN!" I screamed with a yawn that followed. My dad walked in and over to my bed, he bent down on one knee and looked at me. "You seemed distressed, who's bothering you?" My dad asked in such a calm voice. He has so much love in it. I put my right hand on my fathers face. "I'm okay daddy, go take a shower then go to bed. You reek of teenage assholes" I giggled at him. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight my love" "goodnight daddy" he rubbed my head and before I knew it he was gone. Slenderman? He wasn't at all how you'd expect him to act, but maybe that's because I'm his child, if I wasn't would he still treat me this way?? I have no clue what's going on in that mans head.... and then it hit me, my phone! I opened the dresser drawer and pulled it out, I tried turning it on, fuck batteries dead! I started to charge it. I laid on my bed thinking about it, my friends must be so worried. Suddenly my phone started going off like crazy, only messages from Monika. "Hey where are you?"
"Seriously Piper, where are you? We're all really worried?"
"Why aren't my messages going through? Did you block me? If not then why no reply?"
"The school burnt down! Where are you?!"
"Oh god you're dead aren't you"
"Please text me soon"
A part of me wanted to reply but I just couldn't. So, I decided to delete and block all their numbers. I couldn't be in contact with anyone of my old life that was a lie. That's not me anymore. That night I did something I never do, I left the house at night. I walked to an old river I've recently discovered and through my phone into the water and burnt the sun card. I walked away feeling accomplished.'I started to walk about home when I heard a twig break. I looked in the direction of the sound "who's there?" I say in my bday brave voice. "Oh relax" a tall creature came out of the shadows. "Offender? What are you doing out this late?" I asked with furrowed brows. "I could ask you the same Hannah. The big strong looking figure walked up to me. "You're creepy like this, can't you go back to your human form?" He looked at me, the wrinkles and mouth shaped into one of annoyance. "Just so you know young lady you're father is like this too a lot. You really just need to get used to monsters, I mean you are one" I shook my head. "That's not the point, you're too tall and I feel short!" A huge laughing fit came up as I said this. "Ahahahhaha! Really? I'm a monster and you're half human, so why I'm the name of Zalgo are you so worried about height for? You're beautiful just the way you are love." I felt my face become hot again. Or god here we go. Suddenly when I was trying to think of what to say an overwhelming flower sent filled my nose. I looked up to see a beautifully just picked red rose in his hand. "Put it in water with The other one, other wise it will die" he then tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead in a familiar fashion as my father. Then for some reason I blinked and then he was gone. As I got home I saw Ben and Zack asleep on the couch with Zack's head on Bens shoulder. They were so cute. I really do hope it works out. "Well hello again" a familiar voice said behind me. I jumped and got into a fighting stance. "What do you want clown?" I hissed up at him, Laughter smiled and chuckled. "Why do you hate me girl? Why do you have to be so cold? I'm only trying to be your friend" I rolled my eyes. I walked past him upstairs. I decided once I was up the stairs to humor him with the truth. "Honestly I'm afraid of clowns" I said then walked towards my room, howling laugher could be heard as I make my way my room. I hoped my door but didn't slam it, I mean It's one in the morning. I threw myself down on my bed head first and turned on my music. Not too long after that I started to fall asleep. I felt Grinny get comfy on the edges of the bed. The music and sound of a cat purring was peaceful. And not too long after Grinny joined me Mr.Sandman took ahold of me and I was fast asleep.

To be continued.

The Monster Love (A Jeff The Killer love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz