Chapter 19 The Big Day

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Sally, Trender, Eve and I were in the bridal section of a big clothing store. I could here them all discussing in the background. "I think she'd look good in a mermaid styled gown with lots of bling!" Trender voices up. "Well I think she was look good in a princess gown and flowers." Eve said proud to the other two. "Well I think we should let Hannah pick, what do you want Hannah" Sally smiled up at me. I giggled. "I want a mermaid styled lace gown." Everyone awed at my decision. And then, I found it. It was beautiful, the sleeves and collar were lace and the rest was silky and white. The veil was long and had lace on the bottom while at the top was a tiny ruby crown. I felt tears start to weld up in my eyes. Not only was I going to get married to an amazing man but also have a kid with an amazing man. It had been a long day and I was tired, even though it was dinner time. I ordered out with Jeff and sat in his room and watched TV. "Hey, what do you think we should name our kid?" Jeff asked holding onto me tight. I shrugged "I haven't quite gotten that far yet" he chuckled "Let's start now, I was thinking for a male Winter and for a female Alison." I thought about it for a minute "How about if it's a male Coda but if it's a female Alison?" I suggested. He smiled at me "That sounds great" he kissed my forehead. "I can't believe in only two days I'm marrying the women of my dreams" I giggled in his ear. "I feel the same Jeff. I really can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you." Jeff kissed me passionately. He gave me a questioned look. "Can you still have sex even if you're pregnant?" I laughed in Jeff's face on accident. "Yes! You big goof!" I laughed a little more. Once I stopped Jeff kissed me again, he started to climb on top of me and I giggled, suddenly the door opened. "I can't sleep!" Sally said. Jeff quickly got off of me. "Can I sleep with you two?" Sally asked. Jeff rolled his eyes and started to eat more Chinese food on the other side of the bed. "Sure Sally come on up" I said. She crawled on the bed next to me. Jeff was on the right side growling and complaining. I ignored him and started to sing Sally lullaby's. She quickly fell asleep in my arms. The thought came to me again, I'm going to be a mother. The worst part was that I should be terrified but I wasn't, I was excited and happy. I wanted a kid so bad and now I'm going to have one. Jeff put his arm over my waist and onto Sally's head. He kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear "Goodnight" I mumbled back a small "goodnight"

*Two days later*

Everyone was frantic. My father was screaming at people to get things right. I couldn't believe it. I was getting married. Life seemed like it went by so fast. "AND REMEMBER EVERYONE I HAVE A HUMAN MARRYING MY DAUGHTER OFF SO YOU ALL NEED TO BE IN HUMAN FORM IF YOU HAVE ONE!" I giggled at my dads choice of words. "Stop Trender I wanna help with her hair and makeup!" Eve screamed and slapped his hand away from the foundation. "You don't know the first thing about hair, makeup maybe but not hair or clothing, I've been alive for 34,000 years hunny trust me!" She growled at him. "Fine at least let me do her makeup" she hissed. I had to break this fight up. "You both need to work together in order to get me out on the isle soon" I giggled. They both nodded and went to town on my hair and face. Finally I was done. My dress and everything was set. My hair was curled and I had lipstick and beautiful purple eyeshadow on. I looked like a princess, well a pregnant princess. I had a little bit of a tummy but I didn't care. It just made me smile honestly. "Daughter?" I looked behind me to see my father standing there, a few tears caught his eyes. "You look lovely my little raven." My dad said trying to keep it together. I walked up to him and hugged him tight. He wouldn't let go for a long time. "I can't believe I'm giving you away.." he said. I felt myself start to tear up. "Don't worry daddy, I'll always be your little girl" I said hoping that would make him feel better. He finally let go and put his hands on my shoulders. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked me in a serious tone. I nodded "I've never been more sure of anything in my life" my father gave me a pained smile. I put my hand on his right cheek. I then kissed his cheek. "Daddy we have to get going" I said. He nodded and held out his arm "shall we?" He asked. "Yes we shall" I giggled and grabbed his arm. My veil was put over my face. Then we started to walk down the isle. My maid of honor was Monika. I looked to see Jeff and Ben standing next to each other. Ben was Jeff's best man I guess. I giggled to myself. Finally when we reached the end, my father hesitantly handed me off to Jeff. Everything seemed to go so fast. "Do you Hannah take Jeffrey to be your lawful wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?" I felt a tear escape my eye "I do" Jeff smiled. "And do you Jeffrey take take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?" Jeff took in a deep shaky breath "I do." "You May now kiss the bride" Me and Jeff shared a passionate kiss as everyone cheered for us. Me and Jeff ran down the isle into the house where the after party was taking place. Me and Jeff danced pretty much the whole night expect for when I was to dance with my father. Me and dad danced and talked a little. "You've become a beautiful woman Hannah" I giggled into my dads shoulder. I loved my dad and new family, I wouldn't change any of this for the world honestly. Sadly after some time the party and wedding was finally over. I carefully went upstairs to my old room in my dress. I took off my dress but kept my makeup and hair the same. I started to pack my things. That's when I saw an old picture of me and my adoptive mother. A smile found its way to my face. She was mostly the only parent I ever knew. I put it in my suit case and walked out of my old room. It was sad leaving it. I mean it was already spring and it seemed like the days had just been going really fast. I barely talked to Liu or Jane anymore. And sometimes I felt lonely, until I was in Jeff's arms and knew I was never alone. I opened the door to me and Jeff's room only for Jeff to run over and grab my luggage. "You're pregnant Hannah you shouldn't be lifting things" Jeff said in a worried tone. I kissed his cheek and walked over to the bed. I looked around, disbelief in my head. Me and Jeff were married and having a kid AND living together. This was over amazing. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Jeff started to play with my hair, I giggled and kissed him passionately. We slowly laid down on the bed and our lips never left each other. Jeff hovered over me. He turned on music, The Reason by Hoobastank was on. Our bodies danced together. My leg rapped around his right leg. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I playfully denied. He then but my bottom lip causing me to gasp and for him to slip his Tongue into my mouth. It explored everywhere. He suddenly reached for the light and well the rest was history.

To be continued

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