You finished setting up the fire and took a long time to get it started. Clem let you rest because she knew she couldn't sleep, and you had to do all the walking.

You wake up in the middle of the night and stretch. You feel your pocket to make sure you still have your keychain. Your heart drops and you quickly pat you other pockets... Nothing. You move and scan the ground under you and can't find it.

Clem: Looking for this?

You look up to see Clem holding the keychain in her hand. You quickly snatch it from her and put it back in your pocket.

Clem: Why do you have a keychain? Seems pretty useless to keep.

You: I killed the last guy who said that.

Clem: Is it important to you or something?

You: Yeah.

Clem: Why?

You: It was a friends.

Clem: My Dad gave me this hat. That's why I keep it around. I've had it since before this all started. I understand.

You: It fits.

Clem: What was your friend's name?

You: Grant.

Clem: What happened?

You stay silent and look at the ground.

Clem: You have to open up eventually.

You continue to stare at the ground.

Clem: That's fine.

You: I was at Grant's house when this all started.

You look up to see her with a shocked expression on her face. She wasn't expecting you to say anything.

You: They lived about forty minutes away from my house. So, I was separated from my family. They took me to my home. My family was gone. We searched for months. Surviving was hard. We didn't really know what was happening, just like everyone else. The first week was the hardest.

Clem: Yeah it was.

You: We searched for months, not having any clue where they would be. Eventually we found my parents. They had turned, but they survived for a while. Grant's parents shot them. That was a mistake.

Grant's Dad: Get inside! We'll hold them off!

Tears start to slowly roll down your face.

You: There were Walkers all around us. Grant's parents held them off as we ran into a building. They fought for a while; then they got overwhelmed. We could hear their screams outside.

Grant: MOM! DAD! NO!

You: Grant wasn't handling it well. The Walkers started piling up on the door and Grant tried to hold them back.

Unknown: Huuu, Y/N.

You: My little sister was in there...

You get choked up.

You: Eri was five. She didn't know what was going on. She was slumped against a wall, covered in blood, a bite mark on her shoulder. She'd been there for days. She was starving.

Eri: I'm so hungry, and Mommy and Daddy hurt me.

You: I guess she stumbled outside to ask our parents for food. They bit her and she ran back inside. She didn't even know they were dead.

You wipe your eyes. Clem starts tearing up too.

You: I stabbed her in the head to keep from suffering anymore. I can still remember the scream. I can't imagine what she was thinking. To see your big brother that you've missed for months, only for him to kill you.

You shake your head and wipe your face again.

You: The Walkers busted the door down and started coming in. Grant got trapped under it. I managed to get him out, but he got bit. We somehow escaped and ran. Soon we stopped.

Grant: Take this.

You: I got him a keychain as a gift. He kept it with him all the time. He gave it to me.

Grant: Y/n, you have to.

You: Then I killed him too. I killed my first two people on the same day at the age of nine. Both were people I loved. I haven't cared about anyone since then.

Clem: I killed someone right after I turned ten. Just after finding out my parents had died too. His name was Lee, he was my protector. He got bit because of me, but he still helped me. I shot him to keep him from turning.

You: We're too alike.

She chuckles.

Clem: I found people to care about still. I got hurt over and over again. It was AJ and me for a long time. Eventually I settled down with a group for AJ. They ended up taking him from me, and I lost him. Started going on my own. Didn't care about anyone or anything. I found a group of people that gave me hope, and I went and found him.

You: And now you've lost him again.

Clem: Yeah.

You: I promise we'll find him. No matter what.

Clem: You say you haven't cared about anything since that day, but... I think you have.

You: Huh?

Clem: I can still get them back. Besides, I still haven't lost everything yet.

She smiles at you. You return the smile.

Clem: Now get some rest. I still need you to carry me around.

You nod at her and lay back on the ground closing your eyes. You will stop at nothing to help her because something inside you has changed. You finally found someone to care about.


Violet: They might have gotten out.

Louis: There's no way.

Ruby: We can go back and see if we find them at the school.

Violet: Too risky. We just need to go somewhere Clem will think to look. We can't stay around here because there are too many Walkers.

Louis: AJ, you know anywhere she would look?

AJ: I don't... Maybe, Richmond.

Violet: Which way is that?

AJ: I don't remember, but she always wanted to take me there.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon