she's my everything

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Chapter 22-

Justin’s POV

“Sc-scooter” I called out, afraid that he had heard what had just gone down.

“Justin” Scooter replied sharply, looking around the tour bus.

“Hey Jas, glad you’ve arrived” he smiled at her and then at the other girls.

“Justin...uhh can we talk for a moment?” he looked at me, irritation written all over his face.

“Sure.” I replied slowly, glancing over towards Tiana and the others while I stood up. Scooter then made his way towards the exit of the bus as I followed. We made it outside, Scooter had his arms crossed. I looked at him confused. He looked pissed.

“What?” I asked irritated.

“Well?” Scooter replied as he shot his arms up “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

“No.” I stared at him, no emotion evidence on my face.

“I’m going to need you to be honest. Don’t lie to me bro. C’mon you can’t lie to me”

“Okay?” I asked as if I didn’t know what was going on

“Are you and Tiana dating or not?”

My eyes widened. I knew that’s where he was going with the conversation but damn cut me some slack.

“Uhh...” I mumbled not knowing if I should tell him or not

“Just tell me Justin” he shot back

“OK, jheez, yes me and... and Tiana are dating” I admitted getting annoyed with his constant bargaining

Scooter let out a loud sigh “For real?”

“Yes” I quickly replied annoyed by his reaction “Why do you even care?”

“wh-why do I care?”  He asked. “I’m your manager Justin! I have to know these things!”

“Not everything...” I sharply replied glaring my eyes at him

“I think we both know that this is not good for your career! You have millions of girls who awe over you, having a girlfriend isn’t really an option, once your fans find out then you’ll lose more than half of them!”

“Then they don’t have to know” I said

“Justin, you can’t hide these types of things from them. I hate to break it to you but you’re not exactly normal. You’re JUSTIN BIEBER. A teen heart sensation, once paparazzi spot you two together then it’s over, there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Well I can’t just not be with her! My fans have to understand that I’m normal too. I have a life; I’m going to get married one day. They have to let go eventually. “

Scooter began to shake his head in understanding. “Ok, I get it Bieber. For now we keep this a secret if anyone and I mean ANYONE from the media finds out it’s on you Bieber”

“Fine, fine whatever” I lowly mumbled to myself

“Good. Now that we got that settled go and get the rest of the gang. We have to go set up, we have a long day ahead of us” he said as he patted the back of my shoulder before walking off

Letting out a needed sigh I began to make my way towards the tour bus annoyed of the conversation that me and Scooter just had I needed to find a way to seem calm and relaxed before I let any of my anger take the best of me.

Shaking my head I grabbed the handle door of the tour bus. Opening it I looked inside to see everyone huddled around looking at me.

“Scooter needs all of us it’s time to go set up guys” I said plainly.

Tiana looked at me worriedly “Ju-Justin are you ok? Uhm... did-Did scooter say anything?”

Clenching my hands I took a breath “No, everything’s fine don’t worry about it Tee, let’s just go and set up ok?”

Looking at me unsurely but understandably Tiana nodded her head while the others made their way to the exit of the tour bus.  Tiana then hurried her way towards Justin making sure everything was alright.

“I hope you’re not lying to me babe” she plainly said

“Don’t worry babe...” I said to her surely “everything’s gonna be all right” I sang into her ear while I kissed the side of her cheek. Giggling Tiana held my hand. Her comfort was all I needed. I’m so truly blessed to have her and if anything were to happen I’d honestly be an idiot. No one was gonna take her away from me. Just once in my life I feel normal, I just hope my fans understand. I really do love this girl.

Tiana’s POV

“Tiana!” Justin had called out from the hall. Glancing up my face lit up “Justin!”I called smiling warmly at him.

Grinning, Justin made his way over towards Tee wrapping his arms around her waist. “How’s it going?You look beautiful in that costume” Justin whispered in her ear. Looking down Tiana was caught to see herself in a black lace crop top and some leather tights. Ofcourse he would think its beautiful. Skin tight, I mean which guy wouldn’t.

“Thanks” I replied giggling. I looked up at Justin and smiled. Everything was going great for us. Just to think that things had changed between us two. Everything was just so... sweet and genuine. The boy that I hated soon turned out to be the man that I was deeply falling for. I mean I couldn’t say love as yet but my feelings towards Justin just seemed to be growing stronger and stronger everyday. Our relationship just made me extremely happy.

I know this is for the best and I just can’t wait for future things to come.

So this chapter was just about there relationship status right now. Just a short sweet chapter. I’m going to start updating more cause I swear I never do I am so sorry about that!! But yeah next chapter just saying A LOT of drama happens so watch out! Will probably update later this week. Maybe a Thursday??? Anyways thanks for reading and love you guys!! Xoxo 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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