Promises are meant to be broken

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Chapter 1

Promises are meant to broken...

 I layed in my bedroom looking out my glass window wondering what I should do, everyone seemed to be busy. My best friend Azra had gone to one of her family cottages while my other friend Akilah had gone to a family party. My parents had to go on a business trip leaving me alone. I was an only child so you would probably understand how bored I was.

*sighing* I got up from my bed and headed towards my laptop which was placed on a stand, I opened it up and went on twitter just to see what everyone had been up to. I looked through my mentions and like usual I didn’t have any recent ones except for some new follower request from 1 or 2 people. Being a girl like me I wasn’t that popular I had long brown curly hair brown eyes and I was light skinned. I wore ripped skinny jeans a crop top and to top it off blue Jordan’s. My hair was usually in a bun or when I can it was straightened. I hated my curly hair and my mom always told me to leave it but I always felt insecure when it was curly. I wasn’t really one of those “fancy” types I wore whatever I felt comfortable in. 

I went back on twitter scrolling down my timeline to find a tweet from Justin Bieber saying “show was amazing tonight I love you guys #mybeliebers #greatful” I snickered as I read that. Most girls loved him to me he was just a regular typical superstar nothing more nothing less. I read comments watching how every girl “awed” over him. How can all these girls run after someone they have never even met? How can you love someone who doesn’t even know your name? I read a couple more tweets then tweeted “Some girls are way to over reactive, the things they would do for superstars is ridiculous. I smiled then shut off my laptop feeling accomplished. I headed downstairs hoping to find something to eat. As soon as I got down I heard a ring “oh great” I said rolling my eyes and heading back upstairs to get my phone. I picked it up off of my bed checking the id number which said “akilah”

Phone Conversation

Me: “haiii gurly”

Akilah: “hay Tee”

Me: “whats up killah”

Akilah: nothing I was just calling to talk to you I’m bored this family party stinks”

Me: Aww that sucks

Akilah: “I also wanted to ask you a question”

Me: “ oh, ok what’s the question?’”

Akilah: “ Well... I was wondering if maybe you would like to come To Atlanta with me, I have an extra ticket and we can spend the rest of the summer there”

I froze out of excitement

Akilah: Tiana! Tiana! Are you there?”


Akilah: “yeah I know I’m excited to I got them yesterday from a friend...”

Me: which friend is that? WHO would give them to you?

I stopped then rolled my eyes

Me: “oh... Justin gave them to you didn’t he?” she paused then responded with “yes”

I paused I knew that Justin and her had been friends since middle school. Me and Justin never got along I can’t stand that son of a bitch.

Me: Well I’ll think about it ok

Akilah: Okay... fine well by then

Me: Bye

        I needed to get my mind off things I went to the place that made me feel most calm the dance studio. I went into my garage to retrieve my black SUV. I went to the driver’s side. I put my key in and headed out the garage. I lived in California so the weather here was usually warm. I made my way down to the studio to spot Chris Brown. Breezy was one of my bestfriends he was also one of the world’s biggest rib singers. I walked in greeting him “hey Chris whatcha doing here?” same reason as you... to dance. I snickered to myself feeling like an idiot “Oh right...” he smiled “So what brings you here Tee? “Oh nothing u know just tryna get my mind off things... “Great” Chris said. I went towards my iPod putting on  Lil Wayne’s  song “Ball” I started dancing moving my hips side to side to every rhythm of the song I watched as  Chris stared at me.. I couldn’t help but feel amused.

The song ended and I felt better than ever

“WOW tee you’ve gotten better”

No duhh Chris you know I’ve always been a better dancer than you... I smirked

He looked at me and then did a dance move “Can you do this?” he moved his arms side to side doing a back flip

I glared at him “of course I can” I then did the exact same move as him

“U got lucky” naah I’m just a pro I stated

I looked at Chris then said “Man I miss this, dancing with you I wish we could just go back on tour you know me you, Akilah”

Chris looked at me “me too””

I looked at my phone noticing I had 8 missed calls from akilah.

“Well nice seeing you I got to go”

“Bye teeeeeeee!”

I laughed then headed back to my car... I sat there wondering what would happen if I went to Atlanta... I can’t stand him.


OK SO AHHH THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC EVER! I hope you guy’s r enjoying it as much as I am!! Thoughts? I’m hoping that this gets at least 100 reviews if you guys could spread this around that would be awesome. Btw what do you think of Tiana going on vacation with Justin? And what do you think the problem with Tiana and Justin is hmm...? Anyways I will be posting the 2nd chapter shortly I have exams and stuff so it might be a while! Stay tuned! Follow me on twitter @live_4_bieber_ luv ya!!!!!! Kaykayy bye J

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