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Chapter 19-

“What??” I said clearly confused

“I said it, you got it all wrong Tee, Let me explain...” He chuckled while he looked at Chris.

I looked at Chris, clearly confused I was awaiting for Justins reasoning

“So... You say you’ve known Chris for all your life? What grade was that?”


“Exactly, and do you know what school he went to before that?”


“I figured that.... well you see Chris and I actually have been in the same school since preschool I’ve basically known him longer than you...”

I stared at Justin. My face emotionless

“He lied to you Tee, I’ve known him for practically all my life, Me and Akilah have known each other since birth and of course you too... Obviously we’ve known each other for longer... Chris was just jealous of you. I’ve  always been afraid to admit it, But I’ve liked you for practically all my life. Even Ryan and Chaz know that” He looked at Ryan and chaz “ Listen, I’ve known Chris forever,he lied to you thinking that he never knew me. It was an act. When we were younger I showed him a picture of you, I’ve always liked to show him the people I had crushes on...You were one of them... he was jealous of me, he wanted what I had, what I wanted, of course he tried to get to know you... He knew that at the time me and you had our feuds and that was his perfect opportunity to get you, we got older and the older we got the more closer he was for you to become his, Yes I was angry but at the time I wasn’t gonna admit to you my true feelings.” He sighed

“Listen Tee, All I’m tryna say is that he USED YOU. HE USED YOU TO GET ME JEALOUS! He KNEW you were the one I wanted, you’re nothing but dust in his eyes, he thinks he’s got you wrapped around his finger. Sad thing is you fell for it, his lies.”

My eyes started to water, I felt anger build up inside me at Justin’s words. I looked at Chris, He wouldn’t look me straight into my eye.

“WELL” I said looking at Chris.


“Is it True?”

He moved his face again looking straight at the ground.


“LOOK Tee, YES, FUCK, YES it is true and know what....” he chuckled

“At the time it was a competition, I was just so sick of Justin getting everything that he wanted, I WAS SICK OF IT! So of course I was gonna take piece of what he loved...”

My eyes started pouring, I wanted to beat the living shit outta him.

“Listen Tee, at the time it was a competition, but then I got to know you and I actually love you Tee, you’re one of my best friends don’t forget that.. I can’t change the past but please forgive me Tee, please”

I couldn’t even look him straight in the eye. I felt as if my whole life was shattered into peices. I felt lied to, betrayed.

“You Used me Chris...”

“and I’m sorry”

Know what... “Get out”

“What?!” he said


“Tee why?!”


“I said sorry”

“well know what... apology not accepted, for now I just want you to leave... “


“SHE SAID LEAVE!!” Justin and Akilah both shouted in unison.

Chris looked at me, I looked away, I didn’t even want to see his face. He turned around and gave me a sympathetic face. I saw him wipe a tear and mouth the words “I’m sorry”.

*Chapter end notes*

So this is a really short chapter I know... I’ll try and update soon.... BYE!

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