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We finished bowling. Obviously we won. 

I could tell Justin was annoyed by the way he kept looking at us. Me and Ry loved to brag. 

"HEY LOSERS since WE won wanna buy us some drinks?"

Justin stared at us. "NO"

"C'mon Bieber just one"


he looked at me and Ryan he got up and got us our drinks "Thank you Biebs" i said.

Clearly he was annoyed.

We headed back to the car we were about to leave in 1 hour to go to Chicago. I would meet Akilah back at the hotel. Maybe then she can tell me what happend on her date with Trey. We went into the hotel, i walked into my bedroom to my suprise Akilah was already there.

"Hey Killah how was your date?" i asked

"PER-FECT" she said

clearly she had an amazing time she was smiling. I then looked back at her she was still in her date dress. "Uhm Akilah we have to go in about 40 minutes pack up!!" 

"Oh yeah!! uh.. i forgot. shit." "why is there a problem?" "yeah there is. I forgot to tell Trey" "Oh... well maybe you should just call him i bet he will understand, Are you guys even 'officially' together yet? "uh.... no.... i mean we kissed a  few times and everything but i mean we haven't made any thing 'official'" "oh.. i get it, so what are you saying your just in it for the sex?" i winked at her. She rolled her eyes. 

"No Tiana. Matter of fact we haven't even gotten that far yet, if we did i would have been bragging to the hold Mutha EFFING WORLD! " i laughed as she said that. I can tell she still had a little obsession with Him.

"Well you bettrr call him soon were leaving to go on this stupid ass tour that YOU didn't even tell me about!" i then went to my closet and retrieved my clothes.

I watched Akilah as she pulled out her phone and dialed Trey's number. This girl. It's only been a day and she basically thinks shes Married to the guy.


We Arrived at The venue. It was Justins first day back on the Believe Tour. I looked around and saw screaming girls everywhere. Wow this was pretty amazing. I stood backstage i saw Alfredo. We knew each other . "Hey Fredo! wazzup!?" i ran up to him and gave him a hug. Fredo was one of my bestfriends next to Ryan and Chaz. "Hey Tiana! Long time no see, watcha doin here?" " oh, I'm spending the summer with Justin you know Akilah invitedume." "Do you still hate Justin?" "YES! he's still an annoying little brat" "Guess were gonna have to change"that he said. 

I then felt someone pick me up and put me over there shoulder "AHHH!!" he put me down.

"OMG ZA!!!" i jumped on him barely knocking him over. " OMGG I MISSED YOU I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WOULD BE HERE, MY MOOD JUST GOT 1000 TIMES BETTER"

 "Missed you too Tee!! yeah imma be spening my time with Justin for a while, You'll be with me all summer right?"

"yeah,yah omg i missed u so much!"

Za was my favourite person in the WHOLE world. I would even consider him by BESTEST friend. Akilah was one of my besties but Za was better. 

"Anyways the shows about to start, were gonna do some quick choreography runs before that ok?" Za then went to go find Justin leaving me alone. That was until i saw Justin come towards me "Hey uhm come Were having a meeting so you might want to come."


I followed Justin into the choreography room. I saw many of his dancers there. Justin then left me and went into the middle of the circle. I watched there choreography. There body's moved to every rythm of the song, i started to get into it. I tried following along i caught on in about 2 minutes. I moved my hips side to side flinging my arms moving to every rythm of the beat. I didn't even notice what was happening until i noticed everyone was looking at me. I started to heat up. "Oh... uh sorry  " I then heard everyone start to clap. I saw a man come towards me "WOW, that was AMAZING! who are you?"

"Oh, uhm i'm Tiana i'm just here on vacation with Justin... i didn't mean to innterupt."

"no,no it's fine. I'm Nick Demora the choreographer. We can use someone like you on this tour how would you like to addition for the part of Justins lead dancer? We've been tryna fill one in and you would be perfect!"

"Wh....a...t?" i stutterd i was shocked to say the least.

"WHAT!!" i then heard someone come towards us. Justin.

"HER?! no. HELL no. she can't be the leaad are you crazy!?!? That's Tiana for crying out loud!"

"Justin. We need this"

"BUT That's Tiana she can't dance. " 

Clearly he didn't just watch me dance. 

Nick started to speak until Scooter came up. "Sorry to bother you guys but i saw Tiana, she was pretty good, Justin i think we need this."

Justin froze

"We can't even be friends how do you expect me to dance with her everyday!?"

"We'll make it work" i said

he looked at me as if i was crazy. I had to admit... i wouldn't mind working with him.

"I don't know if someone bumped you in your head but theres no way in hell you'd work for me."

"bieber, This is Just work, we can make it happen right? friends remember?" i winked at him he seemed to get what i was refurring to.

"fine" he said

he paused. "Something tells me this is gonna be a long tour."

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