"Or we fake it." Sam suggested.

Toni frowned. "Excuse me?"

"We fake it. I mean, Nate and I've read half a dozen purification rituals in the last hour. If we used one of those on – on our blood..."

"Then what? Revirginize it?" Dean asked.


"So we purify the blood, then do the spell." Toni noted. "Two-step, hybrid magic."

Sam cut his hand and dripped his blood into a bowl while reciting a spell in Latin. Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni followed with their blood. As Sam finished the spell, a white light emanated from the bowl.

"All right, that's step one." Sam told them. "Step two, you're up."

Toni recited a spell while sprinkling something into the bowl with the blood. "Fármichi, fármichi, mashuna parra, mashuna parra."

There was a rumbling sound and the table started shaking. Electricity started cracking and the lights flickered on and off.

"It's working. It's working!" Sam cried.

The bunker was powering up as Sam, Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni looked around the room in surprise. Then, the bunker powered down.

"No." Toni sighed. "No."

"What happened?" Sam wondered.

"Ketch! He knew we'd..." She exhaled sharply. "He must've put some kind of mystical dampener on the bunker's lockdown. Magic won't work."

Sam, Holly, Nate, and Dean sighed dejectedly.


Dean unrolled blueprints on the table. "Okay, we have... exhausted brains, so I saw we try brawn."

"How?" Nate asked.

"Walls. Now the garage, the Crow's Nest, these are all reinforced steel walls, right? But right here," he pointed to an area on the blueprints, "that's nothing but concrete. And right there, that's an old sewer pipe, goes straight up to the surface... to the override."

"So wait a second. We're just gonna..." Sam was cut off.

Holly smirked. "That's right. Straight Shawshank this bitch."

Dean and Nate stood in front of a concrete wall each with a pickaxe. Sam and Holly were off to the side. Dean and Nate swung the pickaxes at the wall and got hit in the face with debris.

"Goggles?" Sam and Holly asked.

"Goggles." Dean and Nate confirmed.

Sam, Holly, Nate, and Dean took alternate strikes at the wall, the pickaxes were making a clattering sound and concrete was flying. After several strikes, they had barely made an impact.

Dean grunted, "Yeah."

The four of them were breathing heavily.

Sam groaned. "Oh, yeah."

Sam, Holly, Nate, and Dean slowly sat down against the wall, exhausted.

"We earned a break." Nate said.

"Yeah." Sam agreed.

"We'll get there." Dean and Holly reassured.

"No. No, we won't."

Sam twisted around to look up at where they were hammering. Dean, Holly, and Nate followed.

"We're not gonna hit dirt for three days." Sam told them. "Two if we're lucky. I know you three feel it – the air, it's thin." He inhaled deeply. "And it's getting thinner. How did this happen?"

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