LXVII. No Time

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[Who We Are]


There was a dead, bloody body draped over the hood of a truck. Mary Winchester was washing blood off her hands and brass knuckle claws in the shop sink. She left the shop and texted the message, 'Lester's down. Who's next?' to Ketch.

As she got into her car, Ketch messaged back, 'Fred Macrae, ID Kirby Sheffield, WY Jody Mills, SD'

Sam, Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni were in the bunker where the power and air supply had been shut down. Dean and Nate were shining a flashlight at a locked circuit control panel. Nate tried to open it, but had no luck.

Dean slammed his fist against the panel in frustration. "All right. The garage?"

"Doors are warded and the walls are reinforced steel." Toni replied.

"Okay. Um, you know, maybe we could get out through the air vents." Sam suggested.

Toni scoffed. "You wouldn't get far. There are choke points in the duct system not even I, nor your sister, could squeeze through."

"I say we kill her. I mean, you heard Ketch." Holly said, glaring at Toni.

"Said we had about three days of air left. So if we ice her, maybe that buys us an extra day." Dean added.

"I assure you, Dean, Holly, I'm an extraordinarily shallow breather." Toni told them.

Dean scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"If we ever get out of here, I am the one who programmed your mother, which means that I am the only one who can undo it. And since I assume you want Mummy back, you need me."

Nate eyed Toni suspiciously. "You believe her?"

"I don't know. Look, if she's lying, sure, we take her out. But Mom is still out there, brainwashed. If she's telling the truth, then we do need her." Sam replied.

Holly crossed her arms. "All right, you're so smart, how do we get out of here?"

"The only way out is to pull the manual override." Toni informed.

"Is that a thing?" Sam wondered.

"Oh, it is. But it's outside the bunker, where we can't reach it."

"Awesome." Dean and Holly muttered.

Sam's eyes widened. "Wait a second, guys. We're in a giant vault loaded down with – with occult books and lore. There's gotta be something somewhere in here – an item or a spell –some hoodoo that can reverse the lockdown."


Sam, Dean, Holly, Nate, and Toni were sitting around the table reading lore books.

"I think Nate and I got something." Sam said, reading. ""When the Romani people were forced to assimilate in Europe, the, uh, the Roman used a spell, the Abrogation ritual, as an act of rebellion against their persecutors. The Devla turns back complex mechanical processes, resets equipment, machinery.""

"What's it take?" Holly asked.

Nate looked over the list. "Seems like pretty basic ingredients. Nothing we don't already have. Oh."

"What?" Toni questioned.

"The mechanisms "must be anointed with the blood of virgins." That's gonna be hard."

Dean looked at Toni, raising his eyebrows.

"Not even close." Toni said.

"All right, well, then, I guess we keep lookin'." Dean decided.

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