Ochako placed a hand on her mother-in-law's shoulder.

"I'm fine, Inko. Truly. I'm not in any pain at all right now. My water just broke about 30 minutes ago. I took a shower, and now I'm just packing a few last minute things like my toothbrush, hairbrush, and some extra clothes."

Inko helped Ochako pack the remaining items. "Thank you for coming over. We appreciate it. Wish us luck." Izuku said as he waved goodbye from the front door.

"Keep me updated!" She sniffled as she waved goodbye to the two parents-to-be.


"Just a prick in three..two..one."

Ochako winced as a nurse inserted an IV into her hand. She hated needles, especially since she had seen so many in Izuku's arms through the years.

"There. All done. This will deliver fluids and medication as needed. We'll be back in a few hours to administer an epidural if you decide you want one. Dr. Akamine will be with you shortly."

Ochako and Izuku thanked the nurse before she left.

"I can't believe this is really happening. We're about to have our first child together.." Izuku gently held her hand.

"You mean I'm fixing to have our first child. You have the privilege of just watching. You have the easy part." She teased.

"Just.. don't pass out, okay?"

Izuku became stunned. "I-I'll try!" He nodded.


Knock knock knock

"Come in!"

"Mrs. Midoriya?" How are you doing?"

"Please come in, Dr. Akamine. I'm doing pretty well."

"How are your contractions?"

"I'm actually not having any right now. I haven't since my water broke about an hour and a half ago."

Dr. Akamine became puzzled.

"Really? Nothing at all?"

Ochako shook her head. "No.. I haven't felt any pain."

"Hm. Every person is different, but I'll keep an eye on that. You let me know when you start to feel a dull ache. That's how contractions feel at first, typically. Kind of like cramps. Let's check the baby out."

Dr. Akamine put the ultrasound gel on Ochako's belly.

"Everything looks good here. I guess she just doesn't want to come yet. If you haven't had any contractions within the next couple hours, we may be looking at an induction."

Ochako felt fear rise in her chest. "O-okay." She stated.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Midoriya. You're in good hands. We'll get you and your little one taken care of."

As Dr. Akamine shut the door, Izuku held Ochako close. "It's going to be okay. She'll be healthy and happy. We're in good hands just like the doctor said."


Another half hour turned into another hour and Ochako still hadn't felt one contraction, so she was prepared to be induced.

"Okay, Mrs. Midoriya. We're going to give you a dosage of pitocin now to start your contractions. You may feel a little burning as it enters your IV."

Ochako held Izuku's hand and tried her best to relax as she felt the medication be administered.

"All right. All done for now. We'll come back to check on baby's progress in about an hour. Your contractions should be starting soon. We'll gradually increase the pitocin until you're fully dilated."

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