Chapter 25

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"You're here!" Cami squeals as she runs over to us, pulling Lia and I into a hug. "Oh my gosh, I've missed you two so much!"

"It's so good to see you Cami," Lia says as we hug her back.

"And we missed you too!" I tell her.

"This is the best birthday ever!" She squeals again as she leads us inside. As we walk in, Lacey comes from the kitchen. She smiles when she sees us, and she comes over and pulls me into a hug.

"Nia, it's so good to see you," she says as she hugs me.

"Hi, Lacey," I smile at her. "It's good to see you too."

After Lacey hugs Lia, Cami leads us up to her bedroom. We sit on her bed and talk for the next few hours. When we tell her about what happened with Lila, she bursts out laughing.

"You didn't!" She gasps as Lia tells her about how she went up and planted a kiss on Xavier while Lila was right there.

"She did! You should have been there!" I laugh. "Lila's face was priceless!"

"Oh man, I wish I could have seen that!" Cami says. "Lila's been such a bitch since school started again after the holidays. There have been so many times that I've wanted to just punch her in the face. Especially when she started trying to go after Alex right after school started."

"Oh trust me, when Alex told me how she was acting, I wanted to hop on the jet and come here to punch her in the face myself." I say, rolling my eyes.

"I almost punched her in the face today with how she was acting around Xavier," Lia said. "Kinda wish I had after hearing just how horrible she really is."

"Trust me, if I wouldn't get expelled for it, I already would have done that, multiple times," Cami says, leaning back against her headboard.

The next morning I wake up around 10. It's Saturday, and Cami and Alex's party is tonight, and Remi had given permission to have it at the house I lived in with Dário a few months ago. Cami, Amália and I came here last night after dinner to start getting everything ready for the party. We were up until about 3AM, setting everything out. The guys are coming over around noon to help finish with the decorations and setting up.

Once Xavier and Alex get here, it doesn't take long for Cami to start barking out orders on where everything is supposed to go and how the decorations are supposed to look. She's had everything planned out for tonight for months. It's too bad Remi couldn't come with us though. I could tell he wanted to come, but things have been so hectic back home that he couldn't leave, not even for a weekend.

When everything was set to Cami's liking, we had about an hour to get ourselves ready for the party. Lia, Cami and I were up in my room getting dressed, as the guys stayed downstairs, since they didn't have to change. 

I wore a light yellow, off the shoulder crop top with dark washed, high waisted jeggings and black strappy sandals, and my wavy hair pulled back into a high ponytail. Cami was in a pink halter top, with light washed jean shorts and knee high gladiator sandals and her hair was straightened. Lia was in a navy strapless top, with medium washed jeggings and silver sandals, with her hair in a french braid that is thrown over her left shoulder. Once we were all ready, and our makeup was touched up, we headed downstairs just as everyone started to arrive.

A few hours into the party, the three of us have split up. I'm with Alex heading towards the back of the house, close to the pool room. Lia is in the living room with Xavier, sitting in his lap on the couch. I'm not sure were Cami had disappeared to.

"Happy birthday, Alex," A few people say as we pass by them. Alex thanks them before we continue on. 

"Can you believe that little tramp?" I hear Lila's voice as we pass by the kitchen. I pull Alex to a stop as I listen in on what she is saying. "I mean she's sitting in his lap and hanging all over him like some slut. He's basically a prince, it's not like he'd ever go for someone like her." I clench my fist when I realize that she is talking about Lia. I push my way into the kitchen and over to where Lila is standing with her little entourage. 

"Amália is not some 'tramp' as you call her," I say, crossing my arms over my chest as Lila turns around to face me. "That girl in there is not only my best friend, but also the head of my personal guard. She can kick the ass of any guy here, and she makes Xavier, my cousin, happy. So you need to back off." Lila scoffs but I continue talking. "You're just jealous because he doesn't want you, so you think you need to bad mouth her. But why don't you just keep your little mouth shut when it comes to my family and friends."

"Whatever, Apolonia," Lila says, scrunching her nose up. 

"Leave my cousin, and my best friend alone," I tell her. "Or next time, I won't stop her from breaking your nose like she wanted to yesterday at the soccer field."

I don't even wait for her reaction before I turn on my heels and walk away. I meet back up with Alex at the doorway to the kitchen and I take his hand and lead him away, heading towards the pool room. When we get there, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. No one else is in here but us. Alex steps up right next to me and pulls me into his arms.

"I'm sorry," I say into his shoulder. "It's your birthday, and we're supposed to be having fun, but Lila just gets under my skin. I couldn't just let her talk about Amália like that."

"Hey, hey, hey," Alex says, rubbing my back. "It's okay Nia. It's not like I'm upset. Lila is a bitch and you were just putting her in her place, babe. Your undying loyalty to the people you love is one of the many things that make me love you."

"You always know what to say to make me feel better," I pull back a little to smile at him. He smiles back before leaning down and kissing me. 

"Eu te amo, Apolônia," Alex says as he pulls back from our kiss. "I love you, Nia, with all my heart."

"Eu também te amo, meu amor. I love you too, Alex, with all my heart. Happy birthday."

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