Chapter 13

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A week later, I'm standing outside Alex and Cami's house, holding an invitation in my hands. My mother had sent a formal invitation for Remigio's coronation, making sure I knew to give it to my "boyfriend's" family, as well as invite them to stay through Christmas. Of course Remigio had told her about Alex already, and she's overly excited about it. Alex and I haven't even officially started dating, but we do spend all of our free time together. I'm just waiting for him to bring it up. As I'm waiting for someone to answer the door, I bite my nails. Alex's parents still don't know that I am actually a princess, so I'm a little nervous about giving them the invitation.

"Hey, Nia! Come on in." James says as he opens the door. "I think Alex is up in his room."

"Thanks, James. But actually, is Lacey home?" I ask. "I actually came over to talk to the two of you."

"Oh," James says, surprise evident on his face. "Yeah she's home. I think she's in the kitchen." I follow James into the kitchen to find Lacey stirring something in a pot on the stove. "Lacey, dear. Nia is here and she would like to talk to the both of us." Lacey turns around with a big smile on her face.

"Hi, dear! What can we do for you?" She asks as she wipes her hands on a towel. I take a deep breath before handing her the invitation.

"I was instructed to give this to you," I tell her. I bite my lip nervously as I watch her break the wax seal, with a confused look on her face. When she pulls out the invitation, her confusion deepens. I watch as James reads it over her shoulder.

"You are cordially invited to witness the coronation of Remigio Micael Amílcar Vasconcelos, as he takes his place as King of Eplea, on Sunday, December 15, 2019 at noon in the royal palace." James reads the invitation out loud. "Nia, what is this about?" He asks as they both look at me with confusion.

"That would be an invitation to the coronation," I say.

"Yes, we understand that," Lacey says, looking back down at the invitation. "We just don't understand how or why we are invited."

"Ah. That would be because Remigio is my brother," I see their eyes widen. "My mother also wanted me to let you know that you are more than welcome to stay with us through Christmas and New Year's as well."

"Nia! I didn't know you were coming by today!" Cami says as she bounds into the kitchen, Alex close behind her. "Ooo what's this?" she asks as she picks up the invitation and reads it. "It's the invite to Remigio's coronation! This is so exciting!"

"Wait, you two already knew about this?" Lacey asks, noticing that her children don't look nearly as shocked by the news as her and James are.

"Yeah, mom," Cami rolls her eyes. "We knew Nia is a princess."

"And you didn't tell us?" Her mother looks hurt at that.

"To be fair, we didn't find out until a week ago," Alex says.

"And I wanted to be the one to tell you two," I add.

"I'm just shocked that this is actually happening," Lacey says.

"Well, we leave on the jet Thursday when we are out of finals. Brígida and Xavier are coming too!" I tell them as Alex, Cami and I start to leave the kitchen

"Wait they got invited too?" Lacey asks.

"Oh yeah. Brígida is my aunt, so of course we invited them!" I turn back to say real fast. I see Lacey and James exchange shocked glances when I turn back around to follow the twins.

"Our son is dating a princess," I hear Lacey say to James.

"Don't forget, it's actually summer in Eplea right now," I tell Alex as I lay on his bed on Wednesday night as he works on packing.

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