Chapter 24

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Three months later...

It's the middle of April, and the limo I am sitting in comes to a stop next in the parking lot next to the futebol field. I smile to myself when I see all the guys stop and stare at the limo. I put on my sun glasses on as the limo door opens and I step out.

"What are you guys all staring at?" I ask with a wide smile as I walk across the field to where the team is all gathered. "I don't look that different, do I?" I push my sun glasses up onto my head.

"Fuck, Portuguese?" Felix asks with wide eyes.

"The one and only," I say as Felix, Connor, Eric and Jack tackle me into a group hug. We all laugh as we pull away from the hug. "Where are Xavier and Alex?" I ask as I look around.

"They should be out soon," Eric says. "I think Alex was talking with Coach."

"Yeah and Xavier was on the phone when we all left the locker room," Jack says. "There he is now." Jack nods over towards the locker rooms and I turn to see Xavier heading towards us. He pauses when he sees me.

"Nia?" His eyes widen as he walks over to us.

"Ei Xavier!" I say with a smile as he hugs me. "How's my favorite cousin?"

"I'm your only cousin," he says with an eye roll.

"Yeah, yeah" I shrug. "So how's Amàlia? I know that's who you were on the phone with"

Xavier rubs the back of his neck as he looks down at the ground, sheepishly.

"Aw what? You don't want your friends to find out about your girlfriend?" Xavier freezes and his eyes widen. I burst out laughing as Xavier turns around to face Amália.

"You're here?" Xavier asks her.

"Of course I'm here," She says. "You didn't think I'd let Nia come here without me did you?"

"Why didn't you tell me? We were literally just on the phone," Xavier finally snaps out of his stupor as he pulls Amália into a hug.

"We wanted to see your face when you saw her," I jump in. "And it was hilarious from where I was standing."

"So, who's the new hottie?" Felix asks quietly, leaning over to Jack, who shrugs. Though Felix wasn't quiet enough for Xavier and Amália not to hear him.

"Hey, eyes off Felix," Xavier says, turning around to glare at Felix, Amália still in his arms. Amália rolls her eyes and pulls herself away from Xavier.

"Hi, I'm Amália." She holds her hand out to Felix, who shakes it. "I'm one of Nia's best friends from back home."

"Woah, you grew up with Portuguese?" Felix asks. "Please tell me you have some embarrassing stories about her growing up? She just seems way to perfect."

"Please she's always been that way," Lia laughs.

"Hey!" I slap her on the shoulder. "I take offense to that."

"Sorry, Princess, but you know it's true," Lia turns to me with a smile.

"Why is everyone just standing around and not warming up?" Alex's voice calls out from behind the guys.

"We had something unexpected show up," Jack says, as the guys step aside to show Amália and me standing there. Alex smiles when he sees me.

"I didn't realize you were coming here," He says as he hugs me. "I thought you were going to the house and meeting me after practice."

"Well, I couldn't resist bringing Lia to meet the team, and maybe kick some ass on the field with her," I giggle. "Plus, we wanted to see how Xavier would react to Lia being here."

"Man, I can't believe I missed it!" Alex laughs.

"You knew?" Xavier asks him. "You told Alex, and not me?" He turns to Lia who smiles innocently.

"Aw, meu amado, (my beloved)" she says, putting a hand on his cheek, "I wanted to surprise you. So of course I didn't tell you."

"Anyways, you guys ready to get your asses kicked?" I ask, turning to face the team.

"Yeah right, Portuguese," Felix snorts.

"Oh, come on," I laugh. "You haven't forgotten how I kicked you ass before, have you?"

"Trust me, Felix," Xavier says. "These two together are a force to be reckoned with on the field."

"Let's put it to the test then, shall we?" Connor smiles and everyone agrees.

We end up playing a bunch of 2v2 games for the duration of practice. Amália and I were a team, so were Alex and Jack, Xavier and Erick, and Felix and Connor. Lia and I owned the field as we took down each of the guys' teams one at a time. Much to their surprise.

"Okay, I give," Felix says after Amália scores our third point against them. "You girls are too good at this."

"You're not so bad yourself," Lia tells him. "But when you have nothing to do but practice your whole life, you get to be the best."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Lila standing by the bleachers, next to where Alex and Xavier are. 

"Uck. What is she doing here?" I ask Felix and Connor, gesturing over to Lila with my chin.

"You mean Xavier hasn't said anything?" Connor asks, when he looks over there. I shake my head.

"No, should he have?" I ask.

"Ever since they came back after break, and Lila found out that you are actually a princess, and that Xavier is your cousin, she's been all over him, trying to get him to go out with her." Felix tells us.

"What? Essa cadela, (That bitch)" Lia basically yells as she starts to march over to them. I grab her arm and pull her back.

"Segure aí gatinha (Hold on there kitten)" I say as I pull her back. "You can't just go over there and slap her like I know you want to. Trust me, I want to too." Lia huffs as she crosses her arms. "Just calm down, and then walk over there and stake your claim on your man." Lia nods as she takes a deep breath. The two of us walk over to where Alex and Xavier are standing, with Lila standing as close to Xavier as she can get. I can tell Xavier is uncomfortable with her closeness.

"Apolonia," Lila says my name, in her fake nice voice, when she sees us approaching. "It's so good to see you again!"

"Always a pleasure, Lila," I say with a fake smile as I stand next to Alex, putting my hands on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Meu amado," Lia says as she walks over to Xavier and wraps her arms around his neck. I watch with a smirk as she plants her lips on Xavier's, as his arms wrap around her waist. I have to hold back a laugh when I see Lila's face twist in anger. "Você está pronto para ir? (Are you ready to go?)" She asks as she pulls back from the kiss, with a smile. Xavier has a smirk on his face.

"Ah minha docinha, isso foi inesperado, (my sweetie, that was unexpected)" Xavier says to Amália, who smiles sweetly.

"Eu só queria mostrar a ela que você já foi levada, meu amado, (I only wanted to show her that you were already taken, my beloved)" She says sweetly, battling her eye lashes, causing Xavier to chuckle. 

"Alright, you guys ready to go?" I ask, interrupting their little conversation. They both look over to me and nod. As we start to make our way back to the limo, I look back to Lila "As I said, it's always a pleasure Lila." Lia and I both throw smirks her way and I swear there could have been smoke coming out of Lila's ears. 

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