Chapter 15

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I lead everyone through the entrance hall and to the ball room, as Dário and Nicodemo leave us to head to training. I stop outside the entrance to the ballroom, and I peek around the corner to look in. I see my mother standing in the center of the room, in a blue, short sleeved sun dress, directing the staff on where to set things up. There are tables set up around the sides of the ballroom, though nothing is on them yet. I turn to look at everyone behind me.

"Alright, Brígida, go on in there! I want to see Mamãe's face when she sees you," I smile at her and she shakes her head as she walks past me and into the ballroom. I peek around the corner to watch.

"Eu nunca pensei que voltaria aqui novamente, (I never thought I'd be back here again)" I hear Brígida say. I watch as my mother spins around, her eyes wide in shock.

"Brígida?" Mamãe asks, her voice shaking with emotion.

"Oi Lygia, (Hi)" Brígida says as she stands in front of my mother. I watch as they talk a little more, but its two quiet for me to hear what they say. I see them hug, and that's when I motion for everyone else to follow behind me as I walk into the ballroom.

"Mamãe!" I call to her with a huge smile as I take off across the ballroom towards her.

"Apolônia!" She meets me half way and wraps me in a tight hug. "Minha doce filha, senti sua falta! (My sweet daughter, I missed you)" 

"Eu também senti sua falta mamãe (I missed you too, mom)" I tell her as I hug her back. I pull away as the others get over to us. "Mamãe, these are my friends, Alex and Cami, and their parents James and Lacey."

"Welcome to Eplea," my mother says to them with a smile. "I'm Lygia, Apolônia's mother. Its nice to meet all of you. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask." 

"Thank you, your highness," Lacey says.

"Oh please, just call me Lygia. There's no need to be so formal," My mother smiles at her. "Besides after Sunday I won't be the queen anymore." 

"Lygia," Brígida gets my mother's attention, as she pulls Xavier over to where we are all gathered. "Eu gostaria que você conhecesse meu filho, Xavier. (I'd like you to meet my son,)" 

"Olá Xavier," Mamãe says as she pulls him in for a hug.

"Olá Tia Lygia. Prazer em conhecê-lo. (Hello Aunt Lygia. It's nice to meet you.)" Xavier says as he hugs her back. She laughs as she pulls away.

"Prazer em cohencer também. (It's nice to meet you too)" She says.

"Nia!" A voice rings through the ballroom and I turn to see Amália running towards me.

"Lia!" I squeal and run to her and we collide in a hug. We both start laughing as we fall to the ground.

"Oh Nia, I missed you so much!" Amália says in Portuguese between giggles.

"I missed you too Lia," I say as we sit up. I pull her into another hug. "I'm glad you stayed safe. And thank you for protected my mom."

"You know I'd do anything for your family, Nia" Lia says as she hugs me tighter. We pull away and help each other up. "Now, you have to introduce me to your new boyfriend,"

"He's not my boyfriend," I roll my eyes as we walk back over to everyone. "Yet." I give her a wink and she snorts.

"The way Remi talked, it sounded pretty serious," she nudges my shoulder.

"You know Remi exaggerates almost everything," I say with an eye roll. "Amália, this is Cami and Alex." I say, switching to English as I introduce them. "Guys, this is Amália, my best friend."

"You can call me Lia," She says to them with a smile. "If your friends with Nia, then you're automatically my friend." She looks over to Xavier, who is standing over by our mothers. I follow her gaze and when he looks over at us, he smiles and starts to make his way over. Amália leans over to me and speaks in Portuguese. "Who is the hottie heading our way?" She asks, though it wasn't quiet enough for Xavier not to hear. He smirks as he extends his hand out to her.

"I'm Xavier," He says in Portuguese. Amália's eyes widen and I see her cheeks blush.

"And you speak Portuguese?" She asks, as she places her hand in his.

"Xavier is my cousin." I say and Amália's eyes widen more as she pulls her hand back. "So yes, he speaks Portuguese."

"Your cousin is hot," She whispers as she turns back to me, and I see Xavier's smirk widen. Amália glances back at him, as if just realizing that he could still hear her. "Anyways," she says, switching back to English. "It was nice to meet you guys, and I'm sure I'll see you around, but I have to go to training before Rio yells at me for being late. Bye guys!" She waves as she runs off.

"Bye Lia!" I call after her.

After Lia left, I lead Alex, Cami and Xavier to the far wing, where my bedroom is located. They all are staying in rooms in the same wing, so my mother had me show them the way.

"Holy shit, Nia. This place is amazing!" Cami says as we walk through the halls.

"Yeah, you get used to it after awhile," I say as I lead them up the staircase to their rooms. "Okay your rooms are all on this floor," I say when we get to the top. "Xavier, your's is that first room right there," I point to the door on our left, "and Cami, you are in the room that is on this side," I point to the only door on the right. I lead them to the back of the hall. "Alex, this is your room," I point to the last room in the hall, by the next staircase. "My room is at the top of those stairs if you guys need anything. Dinner will be in two hours in the dinning room. Meet me here in an hour and a half and I'll show you guys the way." I see Xavier and Cami nod before heading into their rooms. I turn to see Alex watching me. "Do you want to come up to my room to hang out for a bit before we have to get ready for dinner?" I ask.

"Sure," He smiles at me and takes my hand as I lead him up the second staircase to my room.

"My room is the only one on this level," I tell him as we step up in front of the double doors that lead into my suite. I open them and Alex follows me in.

The first part of my room is a big living room. I have two grey couches and a grey oversized recliner situated in the center of the room, facing the wall that my 180-inch flatscreen is mounted to. There is a round glass coffee table in the center, on a fuzzy black rug that covers the hardwood floor underneath. On both sides of the recliner there are two smaller round end tables that match the coffee table. There is a set of double doors on the wall across from the entrance, and two more sets on the wall to the right, across from the wall the flatscreen is mounted on. 

"Welcome to my room," I say as I step to the side and let Alex in. I watch as he takes in the room and his jaw drops. 

"Holy hell," I hear him whisper.

"So this is the front of my room," I say as I move across the floor to the set of double doors across from us. "These doors lead to my bed," I say as I push them open to reveal another room, about the same size as the front room. When the doors open it reveals the custom-made, four poster, double king sized bed that is positioned in the middle of the back wall, a set of french doors on each side that lead out to my balcony. Each set of doors has a set of teal curtains drawn to the sides, and a set sheer white curtains behind them. My bed has a grey down comforter and teal silk sheets. "The doors over there on the left, lead to my bathroom, and the other doors lead to my closet." I turn to look at Alex to find that instead of looking around the room, he is just watching me. I feel a blush creep up my cheeks as he steps up in front of me. He runs his hand through my hair before pulling me forward into a kiss.

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