Chapter 11

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"You're not marrying him Apolônia," Remigio says as I start to storm out of the living room.

"Yeah and how are you going to get me out of it? You're supposed to be dead." I throw back at him right before I walk out. I step into the kitchen and lean forward onto the counter.

"Nia?" Alex's voice calls from behind me. I feel him come to a stop behind me, but I don't turn around.

"I'm from a country named Eplea," I tell him.

"Nik, you don't-" he starts but I keep talking.

"My parents were the king and queen. I'm the princess. A month before I moved here, my father signed an agreement with the country of Agrana that arranged a marriage between me and the King of Agrana's brother. The wedding would take place in July, a month after I turn 18. Then, when I turn 21 my parents would step down from their titles and I would become the queen and Demétrio would be king. Demétrio had other plans though. We had a party to announce the engagement, only I was running late because I was with my best friend Amália, playing futebol. As I was on my way to the party from my room, I heard a couple of shots ring out. Everyone started panicking and running around. I didn't know what had happened. My mother found me and made me leave through one of our secret passages and Dário met me outside and brought me here. He's not actually my brother, if you haven't figured that out. He's my personal bodyguard. My father was killed that night and Demétrio was suspected of organizing it, so that he could get on the throne quicker and Agrana would be able to control Eplea. All of this is why I ran last night after we kissed. I couldn't tell you any of it and I panicked." I turn around to look at him. "I knew you liked me, and I like you too, Alex, and I couldn't do that to you. I couldn't break your heart."

Alex doesn't say anything, instead he just stepped towards me and pulled me into a kiss before I could stop him. He pulls me closer and deepens the kiss. The sparks I feel are more intense this time.

"At least give me the option to have my heart broken by you." Alex says as he breaks our kiss and presses his forehead against mine. "I don't care about any of that stuff. I only care about you, Apolônia." Alex says. That's the first time since we first met that he's used my full name. I feel tears prick the backs of my eyes. "And the way your brother is talking in there, you won't have a reason to break my heart."

"Are you two love birds down making up now?" Cami asks, poking her head into the kitchen. "Your brother is asking for you. Both of you."

We go back into the living room, passing Xavier as he walks towards the kitchen. When we get to the living room. Remigio is the only one in there and he is sitting in the arm chair.

"Where's Dário?" I ask as Alex and I walk in.

"He went to go keep an eye on Demétrio and make sure he doesn't find us." Remigio says. He gestures to the couch for both of us to take a seat. We sit down and for a few moments we sit in silence with Remigio looking between us. "I wanted to talk to the two of you."

"About what?" I ask.

"About what's going on between the two of you," Remigio says. "I had Xavier keeping an eye on you," he says to me. "Which means he told me what you told him a couple of weeks ago." He turns to Alex. "And your sister told us about what happened last night after you two left the room."

"Of course Cami would tell everyone," I sigh. "And I can't believe you had Xavier spying on me. I told him that in confidence. I'm gonna yell at him later for that."

"I need you both to understand something," Remigio says. He turns to Alex "Demétrio is a very dangerous man, and this thing between the two of you, makes you a target as well. He will go after you because you stand in the way of getting to her." He glances over at me. "He's had this planned for a very long time, and I was barely able to make it away from him when he came after me three years ago."

"That's why you disappeared and let everyone think you were dead?" I ask. "Demétrio tried to kill you?"

"He did. Which is why when Papai found me, he sent me here to stay with Brígida, and let everyone think I had actually died."

"Jordão worked for Demétrio didn't he?" I ask and Remigio nods. "That's why he tried to kidnap me, and then when you stopped him, Demétrio knew he had to get you out of the way to get to me. And then after Papai signed the agreement, he was the only one who stood in the way then. With Papai dead, I'd have to step up sooner than expected, and the marriage would have had to be moved up, since Eplea still won't accept a queen without a king. If Mamãe and Dário hadn't of gotten me away, his plan would have succeeded."

"If he's here searching for you, then that means he's not in Eplea," Remigio takes a deep breath. "I'm going back there tonight, and I'm taking my place as king. I'm taking you with us Apolônia, its the only way I can make sure you are safe." He looks over at Alex. "I need you to come with us as well. Dário suspects that Demétrio already knows about you, so I'm not leaving you here unprotected, and Dário has to come back with us as well so I can't have him protect you." Alex just nods.

"If Alex is going with you, I'm going with you." Cami says as she comes into the living room and stands with her arms crossed, looking right at Remigio.

"No," Remigio says, looking at Cami.

"I wasn't asking," Cami says, very calmly. "I am coming with you. Alex is my twin brother. I'm not letting him go to some unknown country alone."

"Cami-" Alex starts but is cut off.

"No, Alex," She cuts her eyes at her brother. "We've never been separated before, and I'm not about to let that happen now. I am coming with you, end of discussion." Remigio just stares at Cami with wide eyes before he shakes his head.

"Looks like its going to be a full jet since Brígida and Xavier are coming too," Remigio says.

"Mom just texted," Xavier says from the entrance from the kitchen. "The jet will be ready in 15 minutes."

"Alright, lets head out. Do you two need to stop by your house to get clothes or anything?" Remigio asks Alex and Cami.

"We should at least stop by so that we can tell our parents what is going on," Alex says.

Just then, Dário bursts through the door. We all stand up as he runs in.

"He's right behind me." He says as he comes to stand beside me. Remigio slips out of the living room right as Demétrio storms into the house followed by two men. He smiles when he sees me.

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