My grip tightens on the picture frame as my eyes narrow while I glare at my mother. Anger continues to pulse through my body as I hiss, "WHY! Why did you do that? There were other ways to get a child!"

Before I know what I'm doing, I sit up in bed and I throw the picture frame against the wall.

I flop back onto the bed and I put my arm over my face. I still don't understand why.


Knock. Knock.

Ugh... I want to be left alone. I couldn't hardly get a wink of sleep last night. Every time I shut my eyes, my mother's face would appear, and I would want answers, but she never said anything except that she loves me and would do anything to make me happy. Well, guess what mother, I'm not happy right now. I'm living in hell and she is the one who put me here.

Knock. Knock.

I try to ignore it, and I roll over. I grab my phone off the nightstand.

I know that it isn't too early because my room is filled with sunlight. I glance at the time. Ugh... It is already 11. I missed breakfast and I should really get something to eat. However, I'm not hungry. Yesterday's revelations have ruined my appetite.

Knock. Knock.

I sigh. I really don't want to get up yet.

Tee's concerned voice slowly fills the room. "Detrick. Are you all right?"


I jump off the bed and I dash to the door. The only thought running through my head is that my brother is here.

I whip open the door. "Tee. I'm sorry."

However, it isn't only Tee, but Tae is here also. Tee tries to smile, but it can't erase the worry the is written all over his face.

He takes a step closer to me and whispers, "Detrick. Are you all right?"

Tae looks me, and a frown slowly forms on his face, as he asks, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

I don't know what I'm supposed to say. I still have so many questions, but I don't think that I'm mentally prepared enough to ask them or to hear the answers. I step aside and I let Tee and Tae into my room. I shake my head. "I didn't sleep much last night."

Tae stops next to me and pats my shoulder. "It is understandable. Tee could sense that there was something wrong. That is why we came."

I shake my head. "I don't understand."

Tae points to the bed. "Let's sit down and we will explain."

Tee wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me towards the bed while Tae shuts the door. I still don't understand what he is talking about.

Tee sits down on the end of the bed and pulls me to sit next to him. Tae pulls the chair from my desk over and sits in front of us. He puts one hand on Tee's hand and the other on mine.

Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be another heavy conversation? I'm not sure if I really want to know what Tee was talking about, but in a way, I think I might already know.

I glance at Tae and then Tee. I take a deep breath. I can do this.

Tae looks at Tee and nods his head.

Tee slides a little closer to me as his grip on my hand gets a little tighter. "I can feel you. I can't really explain it, but I can. That is why all these years I argued with everyone that you were still alive. Now, that I've found you, I feel complete. Do you feel the same way?"

I slowly nod my head. "Yeah."

A small smile pops onto Tee's face. "I thought you might be feeling the same way. I'm relieved." He takes a deep breath. "Now, that we have actually met and we have talked, I can sense what you are feeling. I was restless all night long and I knew something was wrong with you. I didn't know what, but I could figure it out because of our conversation yesterday. I knew that you were worked up."

Well, that is a little bit of an understatement, but I have to agree that I'm worked up, even now. However, in a very odd way, it is a little comforting to know that he can feel when I'm upset. I have never had anyone connected to me like that. Well, my mother was always worried about me, but she would never say that she was connected to me on that level.

I don't know what to say. Instead, I nod my head.

Tae squeezes my hand, and I turn my attention towards him. He grins and softly chimes, "Don't forget that you have us to help you through this. You aren't alone." He glances towards Tee and his smile grows wider. "Tee finally has the piece of him that he has been missing for so many years." He turns back towards me. "We aren't going to let anything happen. We will take it as slow as you want. Just keep in mind that you have family who will be anxious to see and meet you as soon as they find out. You have so many people waiting for you."

For the first time since Tae and Tee left yesterday, I feel at ease and loved. Well, I know that Shane and Dee care about me and will protect me, but this is different. Having my brother's love is so much more than I had ever dreamed that it would be.

I fight back the tears that are trying to fallas I mumble, "Thank you." I want to saymore, but my mind isn't quite working. Plus, we have plenty of time to talk.

Posted November 25, 2019

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