Part 25: Rescue (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

Ochako was distraught. Although she knew she couldn't save everyone throughout her career as a hero, she didn't want to have to say goodbye to her friend. Not like this.

"Camie, don't you dare leave me!" Bakugo shouted.

"How touching. I better finish her off before she dies on her own."

Ultimatum entered the building once more, his suit now scorched from Bakugo's previous blast.

"I'll kill you!"

Bakugo shouted as he began to create huge blasts at Ultimatum who somehow managed to remain conscious despite being blown out of the side of the building.

Ultimatum lifted Bakugo, Izuku, Ochako, and Camie all into the air with one motion of his hand.

He clenched his fist, causing a telekinetic chokehold on each of them, but moments later, he dropped them.

After gasping for air, Izuku managed to open his eyes to see a tall figure standing in front of Ultimatum with his hand on his forehead.

"R-Reprogram?" Ochako stated in between her coughs.

"That's it. Drop them. Now. Be still for awhile and take a good nap."

Reprogram planted more orders into Ultimatum's mind, causing him to immediately fall over unconscious.


Ochako began to walk over to him when Izuku stopped her.

"Are you nuts? I've heard of pregnancy brain, but this is outrageous. He was going to hurt you! You and the baby!"

"Izuku. We're heroes. More than that, we're human. We've all made mistakes and bad choices at some point in our lives, but that's what forgiveness is for. Reprogram was our hero. Without him, we'd all be gone right now." 

She placed a hand on her belly, signifying that Reprogram had just saved 5 lives—Izuku's, Bakugo's, Camie's, Ochako's, and the baby's.

Izuku sighed. He knew she was right. This moment reminded him of exactly why he fell in love with her in the first place.

She was not only kind, intelligent, and beautiful, but she was selfless. He stepped out of her way to allow her to approach Reprogram.

With kind eyes, she looked up at him and wrapped him into a warm embrace. "Thank you, Reprogram."


Minutes later, the police arrived, taking both unconscious Toga, Ultimatum, and Reprogram into custody.

Ochako and Izuku had managed to stop Camie's bleeding temporarily, and Bakugo immediately rushed her to the hospital after the police arrived.

"Wait! He saved us! He doesn't deserve this!"

Ochako begged the police to have mercy on Reprogram.

"I'm sorry, Uravity. We'll have to take him for now." An officer told her.

"It's okay, Ochako. I deserve this. It'll give me some time to think about my mistakes. You've given me hope and showed me how to be better. Thank you."

The police then drove away, leaving Izuku and Ochako at the scene.

"I'll fight for you, Reprogram. Thank you."


Izuku and Ochako traveled to the hospital to check on Camie's condition as well as have any injuries that they obtained inspected.

They found Inko and Eri waiting for them in the hospital lobby.

"Momma! Papa!" Eri exclaimed as she ran into her parents' arms.

"Thank heavens you two are okay!" Inko stated as tears continued to flow down her cheeks as she joined the group hug.

"We're okay. Have you heard anything about Camie?"

"Who's Camie, papa?" Eri asked.

"Our friend. She helped us get away from the villains, but she's hurt." Ochako replied.

"I want to help." Eri ran to the front desk to ask about which room Camie was in.

"Room 217." She told her parents.

The Midoriya's and Inko made their way to the room Camie and Bakugo were in. There lay Camie, who had fluids entering her body through an IV, and an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth.

Bakugo continued to hold her hand as he never left her side.

"Uncle Kacchan, let me help." Eri made her way to Camie's bedside and activated her quirk. Instantly, Camie's wound began to heal.

"I couldn't get it entirely healed to where there won't be a scar since I wasn't there when it happened, but I reversed as much of the damage that I could," Eri informed the group.

Camie's eyes began to flutter and slowly open. She instantly knew that her injury felt different under her bandages. It felt as if someone had stitched her up further and better.

She began to sit up when Bakugo gently laid her back down.

"Hey. You need to rest." He stated.

"How are you feeling, Camie?" Ochako asked.

"Much better, honestly. Thank you. The doctors seemed to have stitched me up pretty good because I'm not in any pain right now."

"That's probably because our daughter Eri here used her quirk to reverse as much of your injury that she could. She couldn't completely reverse it since she wasn't there when it happened and couldn't get to it immediately, but she did what she could. You may still have a scar though."

Camie placed a hand over her abdomen. "Oh, well. It's a battle scar." She giggled.

"Thank you, Eri. You've saved me." She smiled.


Upon visiting for about another half hour, the Midoriya's along with Inko decided to head home to allow Camie to rest.

Once home, Ochako helped Eri get tucked into bed after her nightly routine.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"You know how I helped yours and papa's friend today at the hospital and helped heal her injury?"

"Yes, and you did a great job."

"Well, I was thinking. I kind of want to be a doctor when I get older. That way, I can help lots of people with their injuries."

"That would be wonderful, Eri. You'd be an amazing doctor. Now, get some rest. You've got school tomorrow. I love you. Goodnight."

Ochako kissed the top of Eri's head as she tucked her in for the night. She joined Izuku in their room afterwards.

"Hey." She said quietly. He changed his gaze from the wall to her.

"What were you thinking about?"

"How I couldn't protect you and the baby.."

"Oh, Izuku. We're all okay. We're home safe now with minor injuries. Let's just try to get some rest."

She began to climb into bed next to him when she froze in her tracks.

"Ochako? What's wrong?" He asked, concern rising in his tone as he watched her place a hand over her belly.

"M-my water broke."

• • • • •

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