What is this feeling?

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I shifted through the television,jumping through static lines,reaching my room of many televisions and computers.I couldn't stop thinking about him.He just kept whirling around me.His rosy cheeks,His adorable little tuft of hair, his pink fluffy tail.Every bit of me wanted to see him.I couldn't stop thinking about him until Yenndo came bursting in.
Ugh.My over caring boyfriend just arrived.The 'party' has started...
"Ive been about.."I replied a hint of annoyance in my voice.He rushed up to me he went into a kind of forced kiss,but,the wierd part is,I didn't even like it or even blush.Usually I would,but since I saw the other fox,I haven't even thought about Yenndo.Just to make it seem like I was enjoying it,I kissed back.He finally let me go after about a minute,and hugged me with an iron grip,strangling me.
"C-cant*choke*breath..!"I choked,and he let go of me,and quickly whispered an apology,before hurrying out.I just realised as he did,that his phone was ringing.I hears his muffled voice just outside my door.I managed to make out the word 'babe' .I crept up to the door,where I could hear better.I opened it slightly,and I saw Yenndo leaning against the wall to my right,talking.
"Sorry Babe.Ill get right there and we can party.Ill tell Lolbit she can hang out with Bonnet cus she's 'missed' Lolbit.Even though I know no one cares about her in this place.We just have to put on the act and hope she believes it."He said."Alright Funtime Chica.Lolbit's probably wondering why I'm taking so long.Love ya.Bye.Wait What?No.Im not her real boyfriend.I just pretend to be an over caring one because it adds to the act.Well,love ya,bye."
I couldn't help it.The emotions inside of me were clashing.Happiness because I can break up with him?Sadness because of what he just said?Anger for cheating on me?The anger and sadness won the battle,over taking me.Black oil spilled  down my face as I cried,and once done with that,anger started to rise.I knew my eyes turned back to their original when the anger rose.My original eyes weren't black and white you see.I once had purple eyes,but they got destroyed while I was on show.The reason why I've never been doing a show since,well it's quite obvious..My eyes were too scary for kids to handle,so him put me into the back room with discarded and not used animatronics forever.Anyway,I felt my eyes turn back to the destroyed purple,and I slammed open the door.Yenndo was just ending the call when I did,and he jumped back in surprise."YOU ARE THE WORST!WORST PERSON EVER!CHEATING ON ME?!LYING TO ME?!PRETENDING THAT YOU WERE MY OVER PROTECTIVE BOYFRIEND!?I HATE YOU!!"I screamed.
I marched off,starting to cry again.Yenndo told us never to go through a certain door,so just to spite him I will.I creaked open the door just a little bit,and I saw nothing in the room,but just heard a little movement."probably mice."I thought.I opened it further so I could slip in.It was very dark in here.I was still crying,so it might have been the oil, not just general shadow.I could feel someone in there with me.There.I could see the shape up on a stage,in the room.It had it's arm up,with a bunny like thing where it's hand should have been.The room was full of wires,and I could see the night guard,pressing buttons.He looked up and screamed,so I did too,to see the thing had moved closer to him.The night guard finished and quickly left,starting to crawl on his way out.Then I remembered something which would help.I have night vision. I turned it on,and on the stage stood a bear,huge in size compared to me,who looked about the same strength as Yenndo.He had his little puppet on his hand,it was blue with a red bowtie and purple eyes.The bear had white fur,and his belly was lavender,and he had a speaker on his chest.He seemed to be speaking to..the blue bunny puppet?!I got the courage to say something.
"Hello?"I said,emerging into the light.They jumped and turned to me,the bunny squealing in delight."Hello new friend!"He squealed"My name's Bon-Bon!What's yours?".I stood there in shock.People here were happy?"I-im L-Lolbit.."I stuttered."I'm Funtime Freddy!"The bear called"We should get you to meet everyone!C'mon!"

"Complicated Love"Ft.foxy x LolbitUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum