Chapter 16

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A/N hey guys! I'm back! We're almost half way through the story!
:( I'm gonna end it around 35 or 40 chapters.
This is a picture of Jessica. Her role is played by Lucy Hale!
I hope you enjoy!
Jessica's POV
I spent most of the day with Amanda, seeing as if I go back, Hayden might kill me. I was currently watching Insidious with Amanda. She hates scary movies, but I find them entertaining because they are so predictable. I do get scared though.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
I looked at my phone and saw I had three text messages. Had I really zoned out that much today?

I read the first text message. It was from an unknown number.
Meet me at the dock at 8:00 sharp. You will be sorry if you don't.

I got a little freaked out, but I read the next text. That was from Hayden.
Get back to our cabin! Right now!

It must be about the clown makeup. I mentally laughed.
The next one was from Hayden too.
I'm serious! And dial my number. If anyone or anything is suspicious, call it and run the rest of the way!

I quickly told Amanda I had to go and left. I dialed Hayden's number right before I got outside. I walked about a quarter of the way back before I realized someone was following me. I called Hayden's phone and took a sharp turn next to a cabin. I leant on it and peaked over the edge and saw it was a girl that was following me. She had bleach blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and looked like she shopped for clothes at Slut-Store-101. She looked so fake!

I took a detour to my cabin, and I didn't see her since. I walked up to the cabin and saw she was peaking into the window. Doesn't anyone know what privacy is?!?! I walked into the cabin, closed and locked the door, and shut the curtains. Hayden was sitting on his bed, and he looked scared when he looked up, which he seemed relieved that it was me.

"He's after you. Did you get any strange texts or phone calls within the past hour?"

"Who's after me?" I asked, suddenly scared at the fact someone has been trying to get to me.

"Eric. Now answer my question."

"Shoot. Crap! I did get one text message. It said to meet whoever they are at the dock at 8:00 tonight."

"You aren't going."

"Whoever sent it would just come to the cabin then!" I practically shouted at him.

"But I will be here," he said, "with these." He pulled out a giant bag from under his bed and opened it up. Guns! Crap! I backed away from him slowly. Hayden seemed to get that I wasn't a big fan of these. But he didn't ask. He shove some sort of vest my way and told me to put it on.

"What is it?"

"You haven't seen one of these before?" He asked.

"No, and you can't answer a question with another question so just answer my question!" I ranted to him.

"It's a bulletproof vest. If you get shot, you won't die."

"Well, that makes this whole situation even scarier!" I yelled.

"Just put it on under your clothes so they don't notice it." He said, sounding a little aggravated.

"Fine." And I did.

"So why did you back away from me when I opened my gun bag?" He asked when I sat on my bed.

I winced from the memory and sighed. "I guess you should know. When I was littler, I went to the convenience store down the street with my twin sister."

"You have a twin sister?" He asked.

"Had. A man came in and kidnapped us. Keep in mind that we were eight at the time. Well, the man locked us in his van and drove to an abandoned warehouse just out of town. My sister, who's name was Valeria, wasn't really cooperating with the guy. He shot her in the head, and she died. I screamed and told him to stop, but it was too late. He shot me in the arm and the stomach. I lost a lot of blood. I almost died. We were found a couple days later. If I wasn't found within a couple of hours, I wouldn't be here." I ended my story with a sigh. Hayden reached over, and I flinched. He looked hurt.

"You really thought I was about to hit you?" He asked with a sad voice. He reached over and touched my cheek. He wiped off my tears. I didn't even realize I was crying. "Alright, let's kick some butt!" He shouted, trying to lighten up the mood. If only he knew that the man that we were going up against was the man that killed Valeria and almost killed me.

A/N hey guys! I'm updating 4 times today! Update 1 of 4! Hope you liked it!


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