Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Jessica's POV

How? Why? Why would he be in my cabin! I'm a girl! He's a guy! Why would the directors put us in the same cabin? Are there going to be more guys in here later? All these questions were ringing through my head. I probably look like an idiot with my jaw on the floor.

"Close your mouth, honey. You don't want to catch flies." Hayden said. Wait! Did he call me honey? Nobody calls me that! I don't even let my mom call me that!

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY CABIN?!?!" I screamed.

"I don't know. Guess we'll have to find out though."

Hayden's POV

I watched as she stormed out of the cabin, and I followed really at ease. We walked up to the main cabin where the directors and owners were. In case I haven't told you, my mom and dad are the owners of this camp, so I visit this cabin a whole lot. And since the owners are my parents, they let me choose my cabin and my roommates. (If you aren't putting pieces together, I chose for Jessica to be in my cabin with me.) Jessica and I are the only ones in my cabin though.

"Excuse me, miss? I have a question about the rooming arrangement." Jessica said politely.

"Okay, what is the problem?" Helen, the lady at the front desk said.

"Well....why am I roomed with a boy?"

"Oh! I'm so sorry you didn't hear! See, there wasn't enough room left in any of the girls' cabins, and Hayden got to choose one of the girls to live in his cabin with him. He chose you, so now you live with him." Helen said. I can't believe she told her! I started backing into my mom's office.

Shit! She knows!

Jessica's POV

"Ok, thanks." I said lifelessly. She said Hayden chose me to live with him in his cabin. I turned to glare at him, but he was gone! I started walking back to my cabin!

Why would he choose me? Why would a bad playboy want a nerdy schoolgirl in his cabin alone with him?Why not some girl that would screw him every night? I just don't understand!

One question ran through my mind continuously.

What if he likes me?

No that's not true. I've known him all my life! He can't possibly like me!

That though made me sad. Wait! Why did it make me sad?

What if I like him?

I think I do.


Hey guys!
Just thought I'd mention to you where you could get a hold of me.




And you could always inbox me!

Have a wonderful day!
- Cam

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