Chapter 36

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Jessica's POV

"When is she waking up?!?" A far too familiar voice said. I couldn't quite put a name on who it was. I need to 'wake up' as the voice said, but I just couldn't open my eyes.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't think she will for a while. It would be a miracle if she wakes up in a couple months."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

There was silence after that. The only thing I could hear is the annoying beep and a chair moving closer to me.

I need to open my eyes! On three! One. Two. Three. Open! Ugh, it didn't work! Okay, again. One. Two. Three. I was able to open my eyes this time. Thank goodness! I saw bright walls, bright lights, and a tv that is currently muted. I heard slight snoring and looked to my right. Behind all of the cords hooked up to me was a boy's body with a messy brown mop of hair sleeping in a chair uncomfortably. It took me a couple minutes to realize it is Hayden. There is another sleeping body on the floor in front of the tv. Max. I feel like I haven't talked to him in ages!

"Max." I could barely talk. It came out more like a whisper. "Max." Both heads popped up slightly. "Max. Hayden." I said again. They both looked at me for a couple minutes, then each other, then back to me. "You guys look like you've seen a ghost. I need some water."

"Well, you practically could have been a ghost!" Hayden said really loudly.

"Jessica!!!!!" Max ran to the bed and jumped on me.

I took a sip of water the Hayden gave me. "How long was I out?" I asked them.

"Nearly three weeks. The doctor said he wouldn't expect you up until September though." Hayden said sadly.

"Yeah. He thought you wouldn't even be awake for my birthday." Max said equally as sad.

You see, Max is a giant flirt, but he is also really sensitive when it comes to his family. I respect him for that.

"No worrying about me now. Does he know about everything yet?" I asked Hayden, motioning my head to my little brother.

"Only part way, not a lot." Hayden said.

"Okay. Max, do you know who kill-" I looked over to Max and cleared my throat, ready to cry, "-ed Valeria?" Max's eyes darkened with hatred. "Ummm, he was the one who shot me a couple weeks ago." I looked over to Hayden, and he told his side of the story and how it all started to Max.

A couple hours later, Max was told to go back to camp, which is almost over, might I add. "You didn't have to do that." I said.

"Do what?" Hayden asked.

"Tell him about your life story. It's personal, and it wasn't his business." I said, looking down at the IV in my arm.

"I think he should know so he doesn't get himself caught up in it later in his life. I don't want him getting hurt." Hayden said with a look of concern in his eyes. "And if I love his sister, I should love him too." He said looking in my eyes. "You're princess in shining armor." With that, he chuckled.

"W-what?" Man, I need to stop stuttering.

"You heard me." Hayden said with a smirk. "I love you." He replace his smirk with a grin full of love.

"I love you too." I said, smiling.

Hayden leaned over the railing of the bed and kissed me with a kiss full of passion and love. The heart monitor went crazy. The doctor came rushing the room, and Hayden and I jumped apart. "Is everything alright, ma'am? I heard the monitor go off and came as soon as possible."

"I'm fine." I said smiling.

"I was just worried because the bullet was two inches from your heart." He said.

"I'm fine." I repeated.

"I'm going to have a check up on you, and if everything is in order, you can check out." He said.

I looked over to Hayden with a smile on my face. "I'm going to be just fine." I said.



Hey! I'm back! How did you like the chapter? The book is coming to an end. :( I'm so sad! I don't know what I will do after I finish it! I'm not doing a sequel, but I'm thinking about writing another book. I need inspiration and an idea though. Here is a contest.

If you come up with a good idea for another book, inbox me (if you don't mind me using your idea, or if you want to make a book) your idea, and I'll choose the winner in a month. I will give the person who came up with the idea accreditation in the descripton of the book and righ before the first chapter. I encourage you to make your own book though if you'd like. I will let you co-author the book with me. :)

Contest starts.......NOW!!!!

I love you guys!


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