Chapter 25

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Jessica's POV

I knew I felt like someone was watching me all day. I just brushed it off though. I never thought it would be that creepy stalker! Man! What did I ever do to him? I was never the one who threw him in jail or pressed charges. I would have, don't get me wrong. Eric just needs to back off.

"Jess!" *snap snap* "Jess snap out of it." I must have zoned out because we are currently sitting in the parking lot of the camp. Huh, I wonder how long we were here.

"Huh,  what?" I asked to no one in particular. My door was open with Amanda's head popped in. Marissa was next to her looking through the window.

"We were trying to get you out of your daydream about Hayden for about ten minutes!" Marissa yelled.

"One, I was not daydreaming about Hayden, and two, ten minutes? I was seriously zoned out for that long?!"

"Yeah. you were. I was thinking about calling Hayden myself to kiss you and wake you up from your daze like in Snow White and Sleeping Beauty." Amanda said. She really needs to stop watching fairy-tales. It's just getting outrageous.

"I see so many things wrong with that statement." I mumbled, but I think she heard me because she was looking at me with that 'don't hate on fairy-tales' face. I rolled my eyes at her face. She is so weird. I said, "Whatever," and got out of the car. I quickly got to my cabin, locked the door, closed and locked the windows, and shut the curtains. I was not about to get stared down by that creep again.


A/N hey! Update 2 of 5! Hope you enjoyed it. I also jut got a computer that I can type on, so I am not using my phone anymore. I am planning on making the chapters a little longer now too.YAY!!!! Comment, vote, and tell your friends to read it too because if you do, and I get to 500 reads, I will give you a bonus chapter! (That goes for every 500 reads too.) Have a nice day, and I will update tomorrow!


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