Chapter 9

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Jessica's POV

It is now time for the afternoon activities, and I'm not all that excited. The directors never tell you what you are going to do until they start. Last year, one of my favorite outfits were ruined from the mud race we had. I'm not the type to worry about my outfit or what I look like, but I loved that outfit. Anyway, ever since then I haven't been too interested in the activities.

Today, the activity was a three-legged race/scavenger hunt. Every game we play involves everyone to be paired up. Whatever pair of people wins the activity that week gets one entry in a raffle to win iPhones. The owners of the camp draw the winners at the end of the summer. Sadly, everyone was paired up except for Hayden and me. Great! Another reason to hate these activities. Hayden bent down and tied our legs together.

"Hope you walk fast." Hayden said with a smirk. Man, I hate that smirk.

"I was on track for three years. I would most likely be faster than you." I said back with a sassy attitude.

"Ohhh, an athletic girl! I like that. Together we will have little athletic kids." Hayden said, winking.

"In your dreams, idiot."

"Every night." He says with a smirk.

We won the race, and I was the one doing the work. Jerk-face doesn't know how to pace himself so he was dragging me in the beginning but lagging behind near the end.

I walked back to my cabin with Max just like we planned earlier.

"So what do you think we should do about dad?" I ask as we both settled down on my bed.

"I think we should go and visit him in a month if he doesn't get any better. If he wins his first battle before then, we should push the date a little further. Mom and dad did pay a whole lot of money for us to come to this camp. If we leave for a couple weeks, we would be wasting their money." I know what you might be thinking. 'How is he so smart?' Well he takes that from our mom. He has a tendency to think through situations with detail. I, on the other hand, do not.

"I agree. Now go its getting late. Go eat and hang out with your friends."

We give each other a hug, and Max left to get food. I am not that hungry so I picked up a book and started reading.

About half way into my book, I had that feeling like someone was watching me. I looked up and the cabin was empty. I started to read again, but I still had the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked up again, but I looked out the window, and that's where I saw it. Two bright green (not pretty though, more like creepy) eyes were staring at me. Then they were gone. But something slipped through the door. I picked it up and read it.

Dear beautiful girl with the dark hair,

Tell your little roommate to watch his back. Same goes for you.




Hey guys! Number 3/5. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!

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