Five (Jason)

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Today you are Jane and will experience great fluff. I like naming you. It is fun. Any requests for characterizations? I'm having fun with it. If not, I can keep the Y/n thing going.   

You just got custody of your daughter, Jasmine, after five years of fighting for it. She is Five years old and a spunky little thing at that. 

Now you are moving into a decent apartment that he wont know about.  

As you walk in, balancing boxes and holding Jasmine's hand, someone takes two off the top. "Hey! You can't just steal those! They are freaking toys!"

"Yeah! Freaking toys!" Jasmine mimics.

The man chuckles, "I may be wrong but that is big person talk..."

"Ah, the stranger is wise and a theif." You joke.

"Are you going to keep my toys?" Jasmine asks sadly.

The man smiles, "No. I'm helping your mommy carry then to your apartment. I'm Jason Todd."

"I'm Jane Watts. This is Jasmine." You smile at him, "And we are in 643."

"Funny. I'm in 641." He smiles.

"Well then, we are neighbors? Or does this place not do the events on one side and odds on the other?" You question.

"It does that. We are neighbors." He smiles.

You smile at him and carry your stuff up.

"Why don't you join us for dinner? We were going to go to..." You start, but Jasmine cuts in excitedly.

"BAT BURGER! I want to get the Red Hood! He has a new figure there and this one's helmet removes to show him wearing a red mask!"

Jason smirks, "Isn't the Red Hood a bad guy?"

"Mommy said he isn't bad, he does good for the city using the bad guys met- method. She said compared to daddy, Red Hood is a saint." Jasmine says.

You sigh at what she says, "How about you go get cleaned up, sweetie?"

She nods and runs off.

Jason looks to you and smiles, "Are you okay? The mention of him seemed to upset you."

"He is a bad guy... works for penguin and got me into a bad situation while pregnant." You sigh some, "So I left him and fought for my daughter... But the courts suck so it took longer then it should have." 

He nods some and puts a hand gently on your arm, "It is over now at least. And this is a safe place for you both. And I will be just next door if you need me, Though I do work the night shift as security." 

"That sounds interesting. I am just a secretary at the front desk of Luthor Tower. They gave me off for this week to get settled in with Jasmine." You smile at him.

"Sounds boring." He lets his hand fall.

You shrug and smile. Jasmine comes running in wearing a black and red tutu skirt with black leggings and a t-shirt with a heart on it. 

"Very cute miss Jasmine. Shall we head out? I will even pay, if that is ok..." Jason suggests. 

You can't help but to smile. 

Over the next three months the three of you get really close. Jasmine absolutely adores him, and you are rather taken by the man yourself. He seems to love doing for Jasmine and always tries to help and support you as well. 

One of his favorite things is bringing over different games, board games and game systems, for her to play. You have come to call it family game night, which always brings a smile to his lips. 

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