Figured Out (Damian)

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So far this storm is boring. I expected better of it. I mean the flooding sucks but the storm itself is weak.

Sitting alone between two classes, you look over some details that you put together about Bruce Wayne and his son being Batman and Robin. His other adoptive sons must be Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin. Those three are batfamily boys as well. But the girls need some working on. Not as easy a profile there. Seems more to be based of relationship status for them to start up.

"What have you got there Y/L/N." Damian questions you.

You look up in surprise at your classmate. "Nothing."

"You wrote you think that I am Robin." He says.

"Well. I mean. It makes since." You shrug.

He looks around then sprays you with something. It doesn't take long for you to feel light headed and then pass out.

You wake up to a man yelling, "Why did you knock her out and bring her here?!"

"Because she knows too much." Damian's voice echoes.

"How did she even figure it out?" The man asks.

"It's obvious." You call out to them.

They both come out to you, "What?"

"Listen, it is obvious. I don't see how the whole city didn't figure it out. You're bodies are beyond fit for a teenager and a bachelor. And the timing. Batman has never been in the same place as Bruce even at Wayne events. Theres a lot of other stuff too." You shrug, just noticing you are tied down.

"You put that together by yourself?" Bruce asks.

"Well yeah... I mean I'm the awkward nerd Valedictorian working on college classes already... I get bored so I do investigations... and Damian is kind if hard to miss..." you say, blushing at the end.

"College? You are 14 though." Bruce raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah? And I'm not in Damian's grade. I'm in a special program the school has for juniors to start collage early as a freshman. I'm not your typical kid." You huff.

"You won't tell anyone you know, will you?" Bruce asks.

"How cute. You think I have people to gossip with." You comment sarcastically.

"Ok. I'm sorry Damian kidnapped you." Bruce says.

"Oh, it is fine." You shrug.

"I did not kidnap you." Damian spats.

"You took me against my will after drugging me." You state blandly at him.

"Yes, I took you.... oh. " he groans. "You got me."

"Now can I go home? I need some sleep. Test at 8 am." You cross your arms.

"Of course. Alfred will take you." Bruce nods.

You smirk at Damian as you leave, knowing you can't let him live this down.

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