Numb (Batsis)

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Honestly, I wanted to make this angst unique to the story request type. It is a mature story including some drug use. I do not condone activities done in the story. But angst needs angsty material.

Alfred knocks on your door for the fourth time today. Still no answer.

Your depression only got worse the longer you were at the manor.

With everyone too busy to be with you, you grew homesick fast. And then Damian spent a day even admitting his distaste to you being there.

"Miss Y/n. Please answer your door. You need to eat." Alfred begs.

After a moment he opens the door to find the room empty. Again.

You have been sneaking out since you arrived. You found out about the vigilante activities easily and got mad when Bruce wouldn't let you in on it.

Then you met Blaze at your new school. He is the bad boy of the class. Damian hates him and thinks poorly of you for hanging out with him. He thinks poorly of you in general actually. But he doesn't know you.

Jason is the only one to get close to you at all. Rebels at heart tend to bond easy.

He feels bad for how neglected you are, but him and Bruce are arguing again, so he really doesn't see you much.

"Blaze?! No!" You squeal as Blaze cuts a turn sharp on his bike.

"Hush! Your fine!" He chuckles as he pulls up to the old complex where he spends his time. It has been abandoned for years but a chill group of Gotham misfit teens took over it.

You hop of the bike and Blaze leads you up to his room. Your newest friend Nadia comes in, "Babes. I got the good stuff. Try this out. Guarentee you wont remember your crap lives with this." She says, throwing us a bag.

Blaze catches it and smiles. "Thanks hot stuff. What you up to?"

"Same as always. Parents are fighting again so I'll be here a while." She shrugs. "How's that mansion?"

"Sucks. Everyone is too busy and too good for me. Don't know why they took me in. I'm dead weight to them. And Jay is fighting with Bruce again." You groan.

Blaze hands you a needle, "I got it ready, you just have to take it. Fresh needle just for you." He smiles some.

You hesitate a moment before taking it and injecting the hot liquid into a vein.

The last thing you want is to remember the way your parents died and how you ended up at that manor. How you ended up alone.

Then you feel dizzy. You quickly grab for Blaze but miss completely.

You watch the floor rise up to you before blacking out completely.


Jason is on patrol when he hears some teens in the abandoned street freaking out. He heads into the building where most of the teens know him as Red Hood and look up to him. He always takes away their drugs but let's them keep alcohol.

"What's going on?" He asks a boy when he first enters through the window.

"The girl passed out. We had some new type of drug for her... she has ptsd so we thought it would help... we know it was wrong... she's in the room to the right...." The boy says.

Jason sighs, shaking his head, thinking "Maybe they will finally learn..."

He enters to room, pulling out a syringe that has a antidote for most drugs that you can have. The only thing of Bruce's that he will readily agree to carry that isn't a weapon.

When he sees your frail figure in Blaze's arms he is both infuriated and worried. Blaze is a good kid but in a neglecting home. Kind of like your time at the manor. And if Bruce would just help you and pay attention to you this could be avoided. And don't get him started on the demon spawn.

He quickly uses the serum on you and takes you from Blaze's arms, holding you close to himself as he settles on the ground. He waits for you to wake up nervously.

"What was it..?" Jason asks nervously. Hopefully not something the serum couldn't help.

"Something new from Penguin's gang... said it is good for numbing you..." Nadia speaks up guiltily.

"I told you guys to leave that shit alone. I'm taking her to get her more treatment, you'll see her at school on Monday." Jason says and stands up with you.

He grapples out the window and to his place without second thought.

Once there he lays you in his bed, it is his only option, and puts a cool damp cloth on your head.

He then sets up some monitors and hooks you up for vitals.

He sighs in relief when he sees you are stable. Time to wait.

He ends up sitting in a chair by you, falling asleep while waiting the monitors.

You wake up to see him in his armored shirt and pants without the belt or gloves, as if changing would take too much time.

"Jay...?" You mumble out, coughing some. Your head feels fuzzy and limbs weak.

Jason stirs and looks at you worried, "Damnit girl. What the hell did I tell you. Come to me if you need help. Don't hurt yourself or use shit." Jason scolds.

"Y-you were worried about me..? You helped me..?" You say, in honest shock.

You know your "friends" at the complex would consider you just another loss and reason to numb the pain. So you don't expect to he worth anyone's time to save really.

"Yes I care. Your basically my sister. I will always help you." Jason says firm, moving to sit on the bed by you.

You wrap your arms around his waist and squeeze weakly, feeling tears fall, "I'm sorry... I'm so alone... it hurts to remember but nobody at the manor cares... Damian makes point to prove he hates me... it hurts.... I just want it to stop..."

"It will... you'll get past this... I know the pain... and you will beat it... just not like that..." Jason coos protectively.

He will be having a talk with Alfred about what happened later so that Alfred can talk sense into Bruce, but for now you, his sister, are safe. And that's what really matters to him now.

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