I Promise 2 (Damian)

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It took some time, but Commissioner Gordon himself took you in. Something about his daughter convincing him that you need someone more understanding than just anyone in Gotham.

She was right too. After a month of living with him, your world is turned upside down.

Family dinner? School? Being able to play video games and card games? Walks in the park?

It is all new and fun.

Robin visits on a regular basis, making sure you are settling in to the new life. 

You hear a small rapping sound on the window and turn to it to see Robin. Smiling, you open the window. 

"Hi." You say softly. 

"Hey (Y/N)." He smiles and sets down on you bed. "How are you today?"

"Good, was actually hoping I would see you tonight." You blush slightly. 

"You did? Why..?" He asks, with a slight blush peaking from under his mask. 

"Yea, Barbra and Dick were visiting me... they wanted me to meet a boy my age they know. Said I may like him... But when they said that all I thought of was you." 

"Y-You did?" He stutters for a moment but composes himself fast. "I am glad you think of me that is..." 

"Well yeah.. You're kind and caring with me... And I am to meet Damian Wayne... I know i will just compare him to you..." You admit with a shy smile as you move to sit beside him.

"You think that highly of me?" Robin says with a playful smirk as he leans in towards you. 

"Well, I mean that... You just... You are..." You start to mumble, trying to find your words.

You are cut off by his lips connecting to yous. Your eyes close slowly as the kiss deepens slowly, his hands drawing your hips closer. Your hands rest against his chest softly. 

after a moment, you press your forehead to his and whisper, "I think I will compare everyone to how you treat me..."

"I promise to always treat you better then others..." He whispers back.

"I know..." Robin says with a smile. "Now get some sleep.. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you..." He then pulls away slightly.

You sigh and run a hand on his cheek, "Be safe tonight... Good Night..." 

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