First Day

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"Clary, I wasn't really expecting that offer." Tessa said shocked looking at Clary wide eyed.

"Oh, well if you would like a different offer, I could move things arou—"

"NO! Pardon me, I mean this offer is much better than the one I said, I would love to work here, and to work with the students. It would be an absolute pleasure. Although, I don't know exactly what to do with Mina and Jem." Tessa said as she looked away to see Mina curled up in a ball with her dolls on the carpet, asleep.

"Well, there is a lot of children suck as Tavvy and other kids who cannot go to the Academy right know and have family who go here and/or teach here. Why don't we open up a daycare?" Clary asked.

"A daycare would be perfect who would you put in charge of it?" Tessa answered.

"Jem?" Clary said in a more asking tone.

"He would actually love being with kids all day." Tessa said smiling.

"Okay, well tell him to get in contact with me and we'll handle the logistics." Clary said standing up going to hug Tessa.

"That would be perfect, I will leave you to your first day Headmistress" Tessa said smiling and hugging Clary.

"Well first I have to head to the silent brothers then I'll be able to enjoy the day." Clary said leading towards the door.

"The Silent Brothers? For what, if I may ask?" Tessa asked concerned.

"Jace and Magnus think that I'm developing more angelic powers and just to be sure I want to ask the silent brothers." Clary explained.

"Oh well don't let me keep you, I will grab Mina and be out of your way." Tessa said heading to pick up Mina from the ground. "Are you taking Christopher and Luciana?"

"No actually, Jace and Alec don't have any classes till the afternoon, so they volunteered to take care to the twins." Clary explained walking with Tessa passing Jace and Alec who are heading towards the office. "And by volunteered, I mean I forced them too." She finished laughing.

"I don't want to take care of kids that are not mine Jace." Alec said dragging himself towards Clary's office.

"Well we are grabbing Alex and Luci to take them to the field." Jace said not finishing as Alec quickly responds.

"Don't you think they're a little young to start training Jace?"

"We are not going to train them we're going to take them out along with Raf and Madzie to play outside for a bit." Jace said talking quietly as he picks of Luciana who is dead asleep.

"Jace your kids are five and a half months old. They can barely eat solids and you want them to play outside?" Alec says with sass.

"Alec heading outside is for your kids, we're also taking Tavvy so they can play. Get there energy out so to say." Jace explains while walking with Luci out of Clary's office and heading to the fields with Alec.

"Ugh, why did I agree to go to school?" Kit said walking out of Ragnor Fell's Demonology class heading to lunch with Ash and two other students. One is a girl name Moira (she told everyone to call her May) which who was a Seelie and Tyler who is a werewolf.

"You didn't 'agree' our mother forced us. And I for one love school, our last class was so interesting." Ash said already reading his demonology textbook.

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