Third Trimester

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Clary was down by the farm to check on how the the renovations of the Academy, when she stops in her tracks to check out the barn. She used to love coming to the barn with her family, she even remembered the day her mom and Luke got married in the barn, she loved that day so much. 

She was reminiscing walking through the barn, arms wrapped around her eight-month pregnant belly, which was abnormally larger than the normal pregnancy. It was a good thing she was going to the Tessa's place to have her check ups. She portals to Tessa's house every month for her prenatal vitamins, Tessa loves helping Clary after all they are sort of family. 

Clary never liked portaling it always made her feel a bit queezy. Although, she didn't mind going to see Tessa and her baby Mina, shes the cutest thing Clary has seen. Occasionally she'll run into Jem, but he tends to leave them to there business, he mostly comes to check in on how Kit is doing. 

Clary was at the door step when she felt a series of kicks in her belly and she felt immediate joy. She knocked on the door and after a few seconds Tessa is at the door, with washable marker all over her arms and face, her hair looks like she hasn't washed it in days, and her clothes look like they have been in a middle of a food fight.

"Is this what I have to look forward too?" Clary asked looking at Tessa with a little giggle in her tone. 

"Oh believe me when I say, the 'Terrible Two's' are tremendously horrific. Ever since Mina turned two last month she seemed like she did a complete persona change. And the exhausting thing is that shes only this terrible when Jem is gone. I am driving myself crazy, its been awhile since I did this but my previous experiences were never like this," she paused taking a piece of spaghetti out of her hair. "Wait, oh my, I completely forgot that we had our monthly check ups today. If its okay I would like to call Caterina she was a modern day medical expert and she has some resources for you that I thought you would like, because its not like you have time to go to a doctor and wait in an office all day." She continued while ushering Clary inside around the goop of marinara sauce on the floor.

"Yeah! That's perfect, and you want to know a trick I learned with Raf while helping Magnus and Alec?" Clary paused raising her eyebrow. "When ever the child cries, cry along, act like your throwing a tantrum as well. With Raf I usually cry along with him an he stops and forgets why he was crying, maybe it'll help with Mina?" 

"I'll try that the next time, but Caterina is already here. Come on in the study." Tessa directed as if Clary hasn't been here seven times.

Soon later Caterina was setting up an ultrasound machine in the study Clary was nervous but she knew one thing, she needed Jace for this, it's one thing to need prenatal vitamins, and it's another thing to see your baby for the first time.

"Hey Jace, do you mind portaling to Tessa's house?" Clary asked through the phone. 

"What's happening? Are you okay? Is the Baby coming?" Jace questioned frantically. 

"No! Not yet, Caterina's here and she wants to do a an ultrasound." Clary laughed.

"What's and 'ultrasound'?" Jace asked.

"Just come to Tessa's we'll explain from there, okay?" Clary said hanging up the phone as Caterina preps Clary's belly.

"Alec!? Where's Magnus I need to get portaled to Tessa's, Clary needs me." Jace says entering Alec's room accidentally waking Raf.  

"Nice one it took me an hour to try to get him down. Ugh, where's Clary?" Alec answers putting his fingers on his temples.

"She's at Tessa's House in Idris, I need Magnus to portal me over there, Clary called me and told me that she needs me over there." Jace explains looking in the bathroom for Magnus.

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