Chapter 28: Family

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Finally the day had come, Weiying felt happy to know that today is when his family will come visit him, while Lan Zhan felt down knowing that it's the end of their alone time together.

"Uncle Wei!!!" Jin Ling yelled and started to ran towards his uncle after getting out of the car.

Weiying happily received the big longing hug, caressing his nephew's/son-in-law's back.

(A-Yuan and A-Ling are already married in this chapter)

/Minutes Later/

They left the others at home for now, Weiying, Lan Zhan and Yuan are currently walking on the park; and again, reporters are on their tail.

"A-Yuan, are you happy?"

"Yes Dad, I'm more than happy, I mean, I have an amazing Dad and Father, a childishly manly Husband, and even got an extreme whole family! Who wouldn't be happy?!"

"I'm glad your happy, and I'm glad your already married, you've finally grown my A-Yuan..."

"Then how about you and father? When are the both of you getting married?" Yuan innocently asked, making the bestfriends blush a crimson red.

"You know that me and your father are only bestfriends..."

"Bestfriends that do sex? And sleeps together? Well that's something...Then Bestfriends with benefits?"

"Your Dad is just shy to confess that he loves me too.." Lan Zhan suddenly said, making Yuan chuckle.

"Ahh, so Dad is just shy~"

"Lan Zhan! What are you saying?!"

They were having their talk when an unexpected couple confronted them.

Infront of them stood Xueyang and Xiao Xingchen, both have a smile on their faces.

"Senior Uncle!" Weiying threw his self at Xingchen who giggled hugging his junior nephew in return.

But he stopped when he saw Xueyang, glaring at Xueyang he held his Senior uncle close to him.

"Aya, please don't glare at me Senior Wei, and stop holding my sweetheart like that, I'm getting jealous!" Xueyang whined making Weiying and Lan Zhan irk and Xingchen giggle.

"Who are you calling sweetheart huh?! His my uncle you little-! I even remember you threatening me from before in Coffin City!" Weiying yelled.

"Ahaha, A-Ying don't worry, Xueyang is my husband after all, and he's here to apologize, I just came to accompany him since his afraid of your husband, cutting his other arm again..." Xingchen said laughing awkwardly.

Lan Zhan only shrugged off.

"Who are you calling my husband?! I'm still single Senior Uncle!"

"Ehh? But isn't A-Yuan your an Hanguang-Jun's child?"

"Mn. But we are not yet married..."

"Yet. Dad your so obvious..." Yuan teased Weiying causing the said man blushing.

"Anyways, I want to say sorry for all the negative things I have done, forcing Senior Wei to fix the Tiger Seal so I can bring back Xingchen, and even try threatening Hanguang-Jun by using Senior Wei as his weakness...yeah all the negativities around it...and even harming the young disciples" Xueyang said with just one breath.

"Well, You are forgiven, though, the family are at home, why don't you guys come back with us huh?"

"We'd love too!"

Five of them then started to chatter on their way back home, completely ignoring the obvious reporters stalking them.

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