Chapter 27: Only One

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People are yelling, cursing someone's name, and screaming in agony.

An amulet has shown, being fought by many men as they kill each other without mercy.

Someone's backing up from a cliff, crying, longing, hoping to be saved...

Until he had enough...

He fell, but someone saw him, a hand reached his, saving the man that is now hanging at the cliff.

Both had tears in their eyes, they didn't let go of each other, blood start to pour from the savior to the other, but they focused on one another.

He smiled, the thing that broke the other man's heart, a smile full of pain and sorrow, it screams for help and wanted to be saved.

But everything was too late...everything had planned for him to die that day, whether they like it or not.

He smile as he slowly fell at the pit of darkness, closing his eyes with the last teardrop he'll ever shed.

The savior cried, yelled for his name... but he'll never comeback.

"Weiying!" Lan Zhan woke up from a dream, well, more like a nightmare; He was sweating and tears formed in his eyes.

He glanced at Weiying whose sleeping beside him comfortably with a smile.

That slowly eased the Hanguang-Jun from his sudden nightmare, also with a smile, he got back to the warmth covers of their blanket, and slid his arms around Weiying's waist, pulling the other man closer to him, protectively.

Weiying felt something wrong with his bestfriend and that's why he abruptly faced the man beside him.

He looked surprised, seeing Lan Zhan had visible tear stains under his eyes, he slowly wiped it away and smiled at the man.

"Why is my Lan Zhan crying around this hour? Hmn?" Weiying asked, while the other only buried his face on Weiying's chest, sniffling his cries of pain.

"Lan Zhan?" Suddenly a wave of heartache came to Weiying, he also start to tear up.

"Lan Zhan, please tell me..." Weiying's voice was soft with a hint of sorrowful feeling, and Lan Zhan notices it.

Lan Zhan looked up to Weiying seeing the other man also crying, he did the same thing Weiying did to him earlier, wiping the tear stains with his thumb and caressing Weiying's cheeks lovingly.

"Don't ever leave me Weiying, I might die if your not here...I have lost you before, and that's not gonna happen for the second time in this lifetime..." Lan Zhan whispered.

This time, it's Weiying's turn to bury his face on Lan Zhan's chest.

"I'm forever with you, we are bind from head to toe, you own me and I own you, What is good and bad? What is black and white? Aren't we the answer to that question? And if ever I'd die, I'll only die for you Lan err-ge..."

"Don't die, live for me, for our future, so that I have a reason to live in this dreadful little world with only just you..."

"Then tell me, what's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare, the thing I had regretted in nevernight, your face was in pain and it screams for help, but when I was about to save you... it was all too late..."

"Forget that dream, it's all in the past, think about our future instead, think about being happy with the special someone you have..."

"Aren't you my special someone?"

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