Chapter 14

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Nikki's POV

There absolutely nothing cute about Bobby and I right now, nothing. We were in long tee shirts and little shorts, with our mask covered hair in plastic caps. To finish it we had on face, foot, and hand masks as well. Believe me when I say there was no way we were opening that door for the rest of the night. We were currently watching some cartoons and would be for at least the next hour.

Once we got all our various masks off Bobby blow dried her hair while I delicately detangled my curls and reflected on my life choices. I had decided I wanted purple hair for the concert. So when I did my twist for the twist out I wanted to wear tomorrow I added purple hair wax. A great way to get a bold vibrant temporary color without damaging my hair. 

Bobby: That is gonna look so cute, but I thought you were going to straighten your hair?
She asked while she was putting her hair into two big braids.

Nikki: I was but I changed my mind and decided  to straighten it later if we do something formal.
Her eyes lit up a bit and she smiled.

Bobby: That will really good with your dress.
I nodded my head in agreement.

Bobby decided that since her Korean was by far better than mine she would order dinner for us.

We passed the night eating, watching romantic comedies, and talking about tomorrow with the boys.


Nikki: Bobby our ride won't be here six hours. Tell me again why its going to take that long with all of night's work?       I watched as she began to apply her makeup.

Bobby: Perfection Nikki we strive for perfection, and that takes time. 
She states like it was common sense. I rolled my eyes, it just isn't that serious no one is looking and the one she is trying to impress  has already seen her without make up. 

Nikki: You for know that we won't see them till after the concert right? So only other Army will see your "perfection." I'm sure it to be reapplied by the time we see the boys.
I rolled my eyes as she said something about my uneven winged liner?

I was saved by a call from Jungkook.


Nikki: Hey Love aren't you supposed to be resting or something?
I'm not sure what they do before a concert but I'm sure it's important.

Jungkook: You don't want to talk to me?
He had a hint of sadness in his voice.

Nikki: Of course I do, I just don't want you to get in trouble.
I don't like that tone in his voice.

Jungkook: I won't. I promise.
He sounds better.

Jungkook: So what are two up to?
He questioned maybe he is bored, I just imagined there was so much to do.

Nikki: I am painting my toes and eating. Bobby is getting her makeup on and debating her clothing choices again.
I hear chuckle a little

Jungkook: Really isn't it a but early?
His voice is full of laughter, it makes me smile and giggle with him.

Nikki: There is no reasoning with her. What are you doing?
There is still a giggle in my voice as I get back to painting my toes red.

Jungkook: Actually nothing we will do a walk through in a bit then we start getting ready.
He sounded a bit concerned or nervous I'm not sure though, i guess he just sounds off.

Jungkook: I have a question for you, but I'm not sure I want ask now.
Yep definitely off.

Nikki: You know you can ask me anything right? And you do realize that I will spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what you want to know, right?
I tried to keep the annoyance from my voice not sure I did to well.

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