Face your Apathy and Fears

Start from the beginning

"Well...shall we continue onward?"

Amber nodded. But before they do, a voice spoke out...one that Sans has never heard in a year.

"I think not, Sans."

Sans looked at the god before him. A figure than starts to come out of the fog. When Sans sees who it is, he is shocked at the person seen.

 When Sans sees who it is, he is shocked at the person seen

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He said, recognizing who it is. While it was in the shadows when in the lab, he recognized the eyes and the body appearance. The entity than smiled scarily and speaks to him.

"...Yes, Sans Gaster. It is me...the one who killed your father. But I go by many other names: The False Creator...The False God...of you can call me...


Back with Ruby and Co...

the group moves outside. Weiss is seen using Myrtenaster to weld a metal ball to a makeshift trailer hitch attached to Bumblebee. Weiss, Blake, Yang, Qrow and Oscar's pupils appear to be dilated, while Ruby's are their usual size.

Weiss: There.

Oscar and Blake can be seen sitting on the porch steps.

Oscar: Can we just go back to bed?

Blake: If we're all so tired, maybe we should make breakfast?

Oscar: You wanna make it?

Blake: Not really.

Ruby and Qrow push the flatbed trailer behind Bumblebee. Once it's in position, Ruby walks up to Yang.

Ruby: You guys got the bike ready?

Yang just gestures to it.

Qrow: Well, it's done now. So let's hook this thing up and--"

Qrow rests his foot on the side of the trailer, and the tire on the opposite side goes flat. He groans in frustration before checking on the tire.

Maria: "You people are just beacons for bad luck, aren't you?"

Frustrated, Qrow just walks over to a nearby fence post and sits on the ground. Yang also sits on the ground by the well.

Yang: "I'm starting to think the universe just doesn't want us getting to Atlas."

Ruby: "haaaaa...It's just a flat tire, I'm sure there's a spare."

Yang: "It's not just that, it's everything. Storms, crashes, monsters... haaaaa...I'm so tired..."

Blake: "Me too. It feels like we're always having to fight to get by."

Ruby:"Yeah. But that's what we signed up for."

Oscar: "We signed up to try and save the world, not just... delay the inevitable."

You Stare into the Abyss, and the Abyss stares back.Where stories live. Discover now