You: When it breaks over one of their heads, you're on your own.

Louis: Chairles has got me through many waves of Walkers. I'll be fine.

You: Whatever.

You walk past him and open the gate. Immediately you see the sheer numbers of dead. A big group chowing down on the two people right outside the gate.

Louis: That's disgusting.

You: Keep quiet and we won't have to deal with them.

Louis: We should go back inside.

You: We'll be fine if you follow my lead.

Louis: I don't think we can do this.

You: Louis, if you want to survive, you have to be willing to do things you can't do.

Louis: That makes no sense.

You: You need to overcome or die.

Louis: Fine... fine...

You begin walking towards your destination, avoiding the Walkers as you go. Eventually one spots you.

Louis: I've got em.

Louis runs up and makes a show of killing the thing. He begins bowing, giving a Walker that has snuck up on him the perfect opportunity.

You: Shit.

You run over, sweeping the leg out from under the walker, and with one fluid motion you flip your knife in your hand to face the walker and stab it.

Louis: Wow, thanks. That was-

You cut him short by grabbing his arms.

You: Cut that shit out. This isn't some game. You can't do shit like that unless you want to die.

Louis: Sorry, I just knew you had my back.

You: If I hadn't, your death would have been on me. I don't want that. Take this seriously or I won't be coming out here with you again.

Louis: I'm sorry.

You: Now let's go. That attracted some attention.


Louis: Not as many over here.

You: That's good.

Louis: Still a good distance to the traps though. Hopefully the Walkers didn't eat them.

You: uh hu.

Louis looks at you, noticing how you're in a bad mood.

Louis: Soo... You really don't know what sex is.

You look at him and raise an eyebrow.

You: No, and now is not the time.

Louis: I can't believe that. Someone had to have told you.

You: Never been close enough to anyone for them to tell me anything.

Louis: Well, when a boy and girl really love each other-


Louis: Right... Sorry... Just trying to lighten the mood.

You: Nothing about the mood should be light right now. Lighten the mood when we get back to the school safe and sound.

Louis: You're too negative.

You: You are seriously pissing me off.

Louis: I do that to a lot of people.

You: Except this 'people' could determine whether you live or die.

Louis: I don't understand why everyone wants to keep you around. You're so mean.

You: Look Louis. You just need to understand that the world out here is awful. You aren't skilled enough to be coming out here and acting like a fool.

Louis: I lasted this long, so clearly, I have some skill.

You: You lasted this long hiding behind walls in the middle of the woods. You have no clue what it takes to be out here.

Louis: I helped sink that ship. I know what it takes.

You: From what I can tell, you didn't do much. You got your first kill, but you didn't even mean to.

Louis: I lost a finger.

You: Because you wouldn't stop running your mouth.

Louis: Who told you all of this?

You: Violet, when you had me locked in a room.

Louis: Look, it just helps ease my nerves.

You: Nerves keep you alive. No need to ease them.

There are minutes of walking in silence, with the occasional groan of a Walker nearby.

Louis: If you leave, we're going to die.

You: That's not true.

Louis: Clementine is really the only capable one out of all of us.

You: AJ.

Louis: He's too young.

You: You'll be fine.

Louis: You very clearly care about Clementine and him.

You: I don't know what you're talking about.

Louis: Stay... Help us...

You: Just... Stop talking! Get us to the traps.

Louis: They're just up ahead.

The sounds of the dead fill your ears as you get closer to the traps.

Louis: Shit. They got em.

A walker is crouch by a tree eating something on the ground.

You: Louis...

Louis: I'm sure they got the others too.

You: Louis...

Louis: We could go fishing, but there's so many walkers.


Louis and the Walker look at you. The Walker begin to get up and limp towards the two of you.

You: Listen.

The sound of hundreds of Walkers resonating throughout the woods.

You: We need to head back.

Louis: Holy shit.

You quickly take out the Walker when it reaches the two of you.

Louis: Do you think they're coming this way?

You: Look, you can see them, just barely.

Louis: We need to hurry.

Louis begins to run,

You: Louis, walk.

Louis: What?!

You: They won't catch us, but we might need as much energy as we can get. So, walk.

Louis: Right.

Your thoughts: This isn't good.


Willy: Violet, they're piling up out there.

Violet: Can Louis and Y/N still get in?

Willy: It'll be hard.

Violet: Keep me updated.

Violet walks over to the steps of the admin building and sits down.

Violet: Damnit. They shouldn't have gone out there.

AJ overhears her and walks over.

AJ: Y/N is awesome. They'll be fine.

Violet: I hope you're right.

AJ: I am. If we have to, we'll go help them.

Violet: We can't, it's all on them.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now